You/Selena Gomez - Hopeless

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For someone so smart, Selena couldn't understand how you were still clueless about the fact that she had been flirting with you for the past few months. She tried everything from cheesy pick-up lines to straight up telling you how she felt. 

"The only thing that I haven't done is sing her a song and even then, I feel like she'll think it's for someone else. At this point, I feel like she already knows but is purposely being clueless so she won't hurt my feelings."

"Selena, I might've only met her a couple of times but I can tell that she's head over heels in love with her."

"Taylor, I completely trust your word but I have a feeling that you might be wrong about this. I told her how I felt about her and you know what she told me?"

"What did you tell her?"

"That she loved me too and then left to talk to someone else!"

Selena groaned loudly as she recalled exactly how the moment played out. 

"Well how did you tell her?"

The brunette turns to her friend with a frown. 

"Does it really matter how I told her? Obviously she should've known what I meant."

"Sel, you keep saying that she's clueless. Unless you specifically told her that you love her in a couple kind of way, she's going to think that you meant it as a best friend kind of way."

What Taylor said made Selena feel like an idiot. She distinctly remembered telling you that she loved you but never specified just how much she loved you."

"Yeahh. I think I need to talk to her again."


You're surprised to open your door and have Selena blurt out that she loves you. 

"Uh, I love you too. Are you alright? You could've just called me on the phone to tell me this. You didn't have to drive all the way out here."

"I was nearby! I thought I would surprised."

You give her a strange look at her reply. Last you had heard, she was almost 4 hours away. There was something definitely up with her. It reminded you of how she was acting a few months ago when she told you that she loved you.

"Right, well this is a nice surprise then. Come in. I just finished baking some cookies."


Each bite of your cookies was like tasting like heaven. It was impossible to concentrate on the real reason why she had showed up. Selena had chickened out at your door but now she needed to woman up and tell you. If she kept pushing it back, she was never going to tell you. 

"Okay, seriously. I'm a little worried. You're acting strange. You just keep staring at my cookies. It almost seems like you might burn a hole through them."

You tell her with a laugh. She just smiles and puts her cookie down. It was now or never. 

"I love you as in I want to hug you, kiss you, go on dates....(y/n)!" 

She rushes over to you as you start choking on the piece of cookie you had just taken a bite out of. With her help, you manage to spit it out. 

"You almost killed me!"

"I'm sorry! I know I could've picked a better time..."

"You did. Countless of times. I was just an idiot for not realizing what you were doing." 

You tell her when things start to make sense. She had been flirting with you almost a year and you had been clueless the entire time. 


"Don't say it or I won't go out on a date with you."

"You'll go on a date with me?"

"Why wouldn't I? I love you too."

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now