You/Louisa Clarke - Letters(Angst)RW

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TW: Assisted Suicide

AN: RW - Might rewrite this since I didn't like how it turned out.

Even from a distance, you could see how happy Will was

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Even from a distance, you could see how happy Will was. You've never seen him smile this widely. He had changed after the accident and meeting her managed to bring back the Will that you knew.

You were truly happy to see your friend slowly return to his old self but it was draining to pretend like your heart didn't shatter to see them together. You hated yourself for managing to fall in love with the only woman who you could never be with.

Unable to look at the two of them anymore, you grabbed the full bottle of alcohol and made your way outside. You found an empty bench and began to drink your thoughts away.


"Well? What do you say? Lets go anywhere in the world!"

Will couldn't help but smile after seeing Louisa's smile. It never failed to make him smile even when he wasn't feeling well.

"Alright. Lets do it."

The two of them headed out of the event to head to the hotel. The two of them were in their own world to realize you had been watching them laugh from your bench.


Despite the pounding headache you had woke up to, you were clearly thinking when you decided to leave. You wanted for your friends to be happy and you being around was going to ruin it. Will was happy. Louisa was happy. There wasn't a reason for you to stick around anymore. You had only come to help out Will but he didn't need you anymore. He had Louisa.

Without saying anything to anyone, you bought the first plane ticket back home.


"Perhaps she had a family emergency?"

Will was looking out the window as Louisa searched for clues in your room about where you could've disappeared to.

"No. I know her. She ran away. She's done this before. Everything is fine one day and then the next day, she's gone. The only problem is that I don't know why she left this time."

Louisa turned around to find him looking at her.

"What is it?"

"I overheard that two of you talking a few days ago. If you love her too, why not be with her?"

Louisa could tell Will wasn't mad and it just made her feel guilty. She hated herself for not being quiet about her feelings. She was just so confused and hoped you would simply turn her down so she could get over you but you didn't say anything. You just left her alone in the room.

"Because I love you, Will. She's...."

"No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't have fallen for her."

"I didn't mean to." Louisa starts off, trying to figure out a way to tell the truth without ruining thing with Will. "It just happened. I can't control what my heart feels but I want to be with you Will. I love you." Louisa walked up to Will and bent down to cup his cheeks. "Only you."

As Louisa leaned in to kiss him, he didn't pull away. He knew Louisa was only with him because she didn't have any other choice. If you would've stayed, he knew that she would've chosen you.


When Louisa learned about Will's plan to end his life by assisted suicide, she was furious. She couldn't believe that Will had kept it from her after everything that they've been through.

"I don't understand why you're mad. This is something I've decided to do two years ago. Nothing can change my mind about it. I am sorry for keeping this from you."

Louisa couldn't stop crying. She was happy with Will. Happier than she's ever been and she thought he was too. She had imagine starting a family with him and eventually growing old with him. None of that is going to happen now.

"Will, please. You can still change your mind."

Will was reminded of the fact of why he wanted to end his life as he was unable to even wipe her tears away. Living paralyzed had made him miserable.

"I'm sorry Louisa but I won't."


It didn't take long for the day of his euthanasia to arrive. Louisa tried and failed miserable to keep her tears at bay as she laid on top of him.

"Will you stay with me?"

He whispers to her.

"As long as you want me to."


A few weeksafter Will's death, Louisa find herself in Paris at his favorite cafe.


It's been a while. I wanted to say a few things before my passing but knew I could never voice them out. You made me fall in love with you since you first walked into my life. Being with you my last months had made me the happiest and I thank you. As a thank you, I've left you some money to help you get out of that little town. It's not much but it's enough to give you an opportunity. I know you're not going to waste it and that brings me comfort to know that you're going to be okay. I don't want you to get upset. I just want you to live. I'll be with you every step of the way. Try not to think of me too much. Maybe you can finally be with the one you truly love.



Louisa wiped the tears that had managed to slip as she read his letter. She didn't deserve Will.


You receive a letter from Will a couple of months after your disappearance. You're fully expecting to find a wedding invitation but are surprised to find an actual letter from him.


I should've called. Told you what I had planned but I knew you weren't going to answer. I figured I should just send you a letter after my death. I know you would try to make me change my mind but this is something I've been thinking about for two years. I'm sorry for not telling you but I'm not sorry for going through with it. After the accident, things changed. I hadn't been happy. There were bursts of happiness when you and Louisa arrived but I wasn't truly happy. I don't want you to feel guilty for leaving. I know why you left and you're an idiot for doing so. To make it up to me, you should find Louisa. I happen to know she still feels the same as you do.




You didn't search for Louisa. She had been the one to do so but you hid. You couldn't face her nor could you talk to her. The feelings you had pushed in the deep parts of your heart would come back and you didn't want that. You didn't deserve a happy ending after what happened with Will.

After a while of knocking at your door and getting no answer, Louisa eventually took the hint. She stopped bothering you and you grew to be okay with it.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Yelena B... - Recipe

Cat Grant - Return (Angst)


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now