You/Cat Grant - Snippets Part 2

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"(y/n)! Ms

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"(y/n)! Ms. Grant! You're here!"

Kara pulled the two of you in to a hug before ushering you into her apartment.

"Please, we're not at work anymore. Call me Cat." Cat hands Kara a large bottle of wine. "Thanks for inviting us."

Kara takes the wine with a smile and leads the two of you with the others.

"No need to thank us, Ms. Gra...." Kara cut herself off when she saw Cat glare at her. "I mean Cat! It was about time we invited the third Danvers and her girlfriend."

You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing at how nervous Kara was getting. Had you know how afraid Kara was of your girlfriend, you would've introduced the two of them earlier.

"Right. Lets get started then. I was told there would be games."

You couldn't hold back your laugh at how enthusiastic Cat tried to sound. It was quite obvious that Cat wasn't one for game to everyone but no one said anything.

"Of course! Lets try out Monopoly. Maybe someone can finally beat Lena."

Both Lena and Cat look at each other. The room got quiet as both women stared down at each other until both women laughed.

"May the best businesswoman win."

Lena tells Cat.


You could barely keep your eyes open as you watched Lena and Cat still playing the game. With the exception of Kara and Lena, it was just you and Cat that remained at Kara's apartment. Everyone else had left after they had lost and saw how the game wasn't any closer to ending.

"Just give it up, Cat. It's useless to keep this going. You and I know that we're going to win."

Cat moved her little figure the spaces indicted in the die. She picks up a card from the middle and smile as she reads through it.

"You must be out of your mind if you think that I'm going to let you win so easily. I'm Cat Grant. I've...."

"Caaat, I'm tired. Please lets just go home."

Cat's eyes soften when she looks down at your head on her lap.

"I'm almost done, darling. Just give me a couple of minutes to crush Lena." Kara and Lena just watched the side that Cat only seemed to show Carter and now you. They continue to stare until Cat looks up at Lena. "It appears that I'm going to have to surrender. That doesn't mean you won. I'm only giving up because (y/n) wants to go home. The next time we play, I'll win."

Lena just laughs over how intense Cat was being. They should've known that Cat took everything seriously. A game wasn't just a game. Cat loved to excel at everything.

"Until next time then."

Cat nods and the two of you gather your things to get home. You're half asleep as Cat leads you out of the apartments. She stops walking just before going through the front door.

"I had fun, Kara....but if you ever tell anyone about this. I'm telling the whole world about your little side job."

"Cat be nice."

You mumbled. She doesn't say anything anymore as she helps you walk to her car.


With Cat's help, you were able to change into your pajamas quickly and jump into bed. You pulled Cat into your arms when she joined you.

"Thanks for tonight, Cat. I had fun."

You whispered to her.

".....maybe I had fun too."

Cat whispers back to you when she thinks you had fallen asleep. Instead of saying anything, you just smile.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Alex Danvers - Mine

Ginny W... - Part 2 (Chk B4)

Alex Danvers - Part 2

Louisa Clarke - Letters


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now