Chapter 40 ~The end~

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              I sit beside Shawn, my hand in his, tears rolling down my cheeks. But that's how all of us are. Nash gets up and turns the camera on and sits back down. "Hey guys, I'm Nash. I'm here with these guys and today..", he draws in a deep breath. "We have news".

     "Well, Shawn's career is taking off in singing faster than..god, I don't know. It's just really fast", Cameron nods. "And I have started acting and Nash is in music videos now. And Jack and Jack have started making music".

    Cameron looks at me, motioning that it's my turn to speak. Shawn's hand tightens around mine and I take a deep breath. "Everyone's going in different directions. So... I think you know where this is going". I say. Shawn looks down at the floor and so does everyone else. "..Magcon is coming to an end".

     No one else says anything. So Shawn starts speaking. "This has been... the most amazing experience in the world. I met the love of my life", he looks at me and smiles. "I've started living my dream. I've met the most amazing fans in the world. And I met these guys. The best friends anyone could ever have. This isn't goodbye forever. You'll see us again. I promise. But for now... it's see ya later". Nash gets up and turns the camera off.

   Everyone is silent, just the sound of some sniffling from a couple of people. Then some man in a tux comes in. "Shawn, it's time for your tour. Cameron, you need to get ready for your premiere tonight", he says. Shawn nods his head and stands, pulling my hand to make me stand up as well. He leads me into the other room.

     He wraps his arms around my neck, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I love you so much. Just because Magcon is ending and I'm going away from.. god.. a freaking year. Doesn't mean we're ending. Baby, I will always love you. And when I get back. I'll just you just how much", he says. The tears begin to escape my eyes and I nod. He kisses me deeply and then lets go. He picks up his bags then walks out of the door.

      But I'll see him again. But for now, it's time to start my new journey.

       A/N: THE END! Yes, end. As in, the story is over. 40 chapters of.. I don't know. FUN! And hey... I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE FOR REAL! YAY! I thought this was the best way to end it so woooo.

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    "This isn't goodbye forever, you'll see me again". :)

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