Chapter 25 ~Another hospital visit~

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         I look around in the attic, searching for pictures of my grandfather. I'm silently hoping mom doesn't hear me up here. I hear something over at the entrance and I freeze. The noise gets louder, like it's climbing up the latter. I quietly walk over to the door, certain that it isn't my mom. No, this is a guys footsteps.

    I take a run for it and push the person down the steps, down to the floor. I look down and see Shawn's face. I gasp and climb quickly down the steps. "Babe! Are you ok? Oh my god I am so freaking sorry Shawny", I yell. Mom comes in the room quickly and gasps.

    "Taylor! What happened?!", she demands. I look back down at my pained boyfriend and kiss his forehead. I feel the tears stream down my face. This is all my fault. He could be dead. Shawn's eyes open gently and slowly and I gasp.

    "Why are you acting as if I'm dead? I mean yea, it's a long way down but not enough to kill you. I guess I just bumped by head too hard", Shawn says, laughing a little. Yes Shawn, because this is totally a laughing matter. I help him up. "Sorry Ms. Caniff, I just fell down". Wait, what? He gives me a look that says "shut the hell up I'm covering for you"... or like.. something like that.

    Mom forces us to the car and she drives to the hospital. We get out and go inside. Mom tells me to go "sign him in" and she goes to the bathroom. I order Shawn to stay seated and I go to the desk thing. "Um.... I have no fucking clue what to say. Do I just tell you the person who needs help's name?", I say. The nurse laughs a little and nods hear head. "Oh, well then. Shawn Mendes. He fell from attic stairs of whatever". She nods her head and hands me paper work to fill out. "I'll get my momma to do that". And with that, I go and sit back down by Shawn.

    Mom comes out and I hand her the paper. She sits down by me. I take Shawn's hand in my own. "How's your head?", I whisper. He shrugs and brings our hands up to his lips and presses his lips to my hand gently. I smile at him then kiss him.

    A woman storms up to us and I look up at her and see that it's Shawn's mom. (A/N: Don't have a clue if Shawny's momma is actually a nurse but oh well). Shawn's face pales, but my mom comes to the rescue. "Oh! I knew I forgot something. I must explain. Shawn fell from out attic stairs", Mom explains. Mrs. Mendes sighs in relief and smiles, then reaches for the paper work.

    "He doesn't need this. We can see him now but only one of you is allowed back", Shawn's mom says. Shawn nods and doesn't let go of my hand as he stands up, so I'm forced to get up with him. "Guess that one person is Taylor". Mom laughs and shakes her head, then motions for us to go on.

    We go back to a room and Shawn's mom leaves us. Shawn lays down in the bed and I sit in the chair beside the bed. "You doing ok?", I ask. Shawn looks over at me and nods. "Why didn't you say you that I pushed you?".

    "Because I know why you where up there. Looking for pictures of your grandpa? I get it. I didn't know if you thought I was your mom", he explains. I shake my head. He sighs in relief and I look at him in relief. "Oh god that's a relief". I laugh a little and he turns the tv on. "OH MY GOD THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT ME ON THE NEWS!".

   I turn my attention to the tv and sure enough they where.

     "Shawn mendes started on vine and youtube. Now he's going everywhere! This talented young man has turned into a teenage heart throb. Even when he came out that he had a boyfriend, he didn't lose anyone. How did he do it? The answer is... TALENT. When you have that must attractiveness and talent, you can get away with anything. So, Shawn, if you are watching. CONGRATULATIONS!", The news person says. Shawn smiles widely at me.

    Then the doctor comes in. He tells Shawn that they need to take some tests and Shawn goes, leaving me alone. I turn my attention back to the tv until I hear a commotion coming from the hallway. I look out the door and see someone in a gurney, gasping for breath. My heart breaks when I recognize the person who once saved me from doing something I might have regretted...

    Kierstan. The girl I met at the park when everything was going wrong.

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