Chapter 11 ~Don't go into the light.. seriously, don't.~

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     I wake up with machines hooked up to me and a breeze on my head. No. NO! They did not cut my fucking hair off! No!! "Someone get the hell in here and tell me why I feel a breeze on my head!", I yell, the pain killers coursing through my body, making me.. well... high.

    A nurse comes in and smiles at me. "Taylor you where WONDERFUL sweetie!", she says. I roll my eyes, sassy from my possible hair loss. "Taylor, you feel a breeze because...". I feel my heart race. This can't be.. no. They did not make me bald. NO. "Because your bed is under the AC". I look up and feel it blow on my face. I reach up and feel my messy hair. I breathe a sigh of relief and the nurse shakes her head. "You're silly". Then she walks away.

    "The doctor said you get to go home today!", mom says excitedly, as soon as she walks into the room. I expect to see the boys come in after, but they don't. Momma sees my sadness. "They're gone home to get ready for the award show tonight". I nod my head in understanding and start to get up. "Not so quick Tay". Mom laughs.

    "I wanna get home quickly so I won't be late for the award show", I explain. Mom looks at me with pity. "I- I', not going to the award show... am I?". Mom shakes her head sadly. I sigh and get up, taking the IV and shit out of me by myself.

    I go to the bathroom and change into skinny jeans and a shirt I stole from Cameron. I guess mom thought it was nice and didn't know it was his so she packed it for me. How sweet. I try and do somethng with my hair and that's when I find my bandanas. I gasp and hug it to me. I walk out of the bathroom, holding it to me.

   Mom laughs when she sees me. "Shawn brought it. He said something about you losing it while running from girls", mom explains. I chuckle and nod my head. That''s exactly what happened. I can't believe Shawn brought it for me. I smile at it then fix my hair and put the bandana on. Then come out.

   Mom "checks us out", then we leave. I throw the things in the back and get in front. Then mom starts driving. "So, did you have any dreams while you where getting operated on?", mom asks. I think for a second then nod. "What was it?".

     "Well, I had a dream that there was a bright light. Aaaaand I wanted to go to it and I started walking to it. But then I heard your voice, and Shawn's, and Jj's and the others. So, I stopped walking and the dream faded away",  I explain.

   Mom starts crying and I look at her weird. "Mom what's wrong??", I ask. She shake her head and wipes her eyes, but the tears keep coming. "Mom....". She breathes in and then out. making her self stop crying.

   "Nothing sweetie", she says, finally pulling herself together. We arrive at home and I go up to my room. I put my things away then come back downstairs where mom is looking in my baby book. I feel like this would be what happened if I had died, but much more tears.

    "Hey Mom..", I say. She smiles up at me and motions me over. I come over to her and sit beside her on the couch. There are all kinds of baby pictures of me and I smile at the sight. "Wow, I was cute".

   Mom laughs and nods. "Taylor... we almost lost you", Mom says bluntly. I give her a confused look and she sighs. "That dream you had.. if you hadn't stopped. You would have died. It was the heavens calling you home". I look at her in shock.

    "Man am I glad I didn't go in the damn light", I say, trying to bring up the mood. She laughs then nods. "How about we go get a shit load of junk food, pizza, anything ya want . Then come back here for the award show?". She nods and grabs her keys. Well someones hungry.

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