Chapter 10 ~To the color of your lips, to the center of eclipse~

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    I wake up in a white room, hooked up to a ton of machines. I groan as I sit up. A nurse comes in the room and smiles at me. I'm in a hospital. But why? "Hi Taylor! So wonderful to see that you're awake! You must be burning with questions", she says, still with the same tone. I nod my head slowly. "I'll go get the doctor". She leaves and my momma enters.

    "Oh sweetie!", she yells, coming over to squeeze me. The doctor comes in and mom sits in the chair beside my bed. She holds my hand as the guy puts the X-ray on the thingy. (A/N: You guys know I'm talking about right?)

     "Well, um. Taylor, it doesn't look good. Um.. you have something wrong inside your brain", the doctor informs. My mouth drops open. Bitch, excuse me? "No, no. I don't mean you're crazy or mental. I mean you have something causing serious damage to your body". I look down at the floor. Why does this have to happen to me?

    "But.. It can be fixed. But we must do the surgery now. But we need to prep you. So, if you agree to the surgery, we will take your son now to get him prepped", the doctor says. My mom looks at me then to the floor.

    "What's the chances?", someone asks from the door. I look up and see Shawn standing with a crying JJ and a Jack G holding him in his arms. JJ sees me and starts crying harder. I look back down at the floor.

    "Well, there's a 96% the surgery will work. But... there's still that 4% that... he may die during the surgery", the doctor informs. I hide my face in my pillow and begin to sob. Shawn bites his lip, trying to keep the tears from coming. Then he nods.

    "We'll do it", my moms says. The doctor nods his head and leaves the room. Shawn and the others come over to me and sit on my bed. JJ wraps his skinny arms around me and cries. Mom leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

    "JJ, stop acting like he's already dead. Please", Shawn pleads. JJ nods and then starts crying into Jack again. I smile at Shawn and he gives me a small smile back. "I have.. good news". I tilt my head at him and he sighs.

   "Well.. the Magcon boys are nominated for a teen choice award", he says. I almost start jumping up and down but I don't. "Aaaaand.. if we win, we get to go on a world tour. And I'm talking..WORLD". I shriek and he laughs.

    Then, sadness hits me. I may never be able to do that. I may never be able to go up and accept the award with the boys. I may never get to see Paris. I may never get to see Shawn again. A tear slides down my cheek and Shawn wipes it away.

   A nurse comes in and and orders the other boys out. They all hug me tightly and then leave. She preps me for my surgery. Less than an hour I laid  in a gurney and they wheel me out. I am handed something to take and it almost automatically makes me tired. My head falls to the side and the last thing I hear is my mom saying something. Something about Shawn...Then I'm out like a light.

   A/N: CLIFF HANGER! Ooo watcha guys think is gonna happen?? Leave your comments down below! A new chapter will be up soon because we all know I love writing this. :*

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