Chapter 8 ~County fairs and what Shawn wears~

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    "I'll be following you the whole time Tay", Gaige says as I get ready for my dreaded date. I throw on some clothes and slip on my shoes and check my hair once more in the mirror. I shake my head as I look at myself.

    "I don't wanna do this Gaige. Not one bit", I say to him. As I sigh, the door bell rings. I groan and Gaige pulls me down the stairs. Mom sits on the couch reading Fifty Shades Of Grey. "Jesus christ mom, why are you reading that?".

     "Sweetie, this is meant for mature people. It actually have a story line. Not just porn and sex and stuff Taylor", mom says, glaring at me. I put my hands up in surrender. "So, where are you going all dressed up?". I look down at my clothes. I have skinny jeans and a sweat shirt on. I raise my eyebrow at her. She shrugs.

   "Mother, if you must know, I have a date", I reply. She gasps and throws her book down. She squeals like a fangirl and I roll my eyes. Gaige seems amused by my moms sudden fangirl moment. My moms feels though.

    "You finally told Shawn how you feel! Baby that's great! I am so so so proud of you darling!!!!! I knew you could do it! You guys are gonna be so cute together!", she rambles. My heart drops and Gaige looks at my mom with a pleading look.  "Oh...... it's not Shawn?". I ignore her and go answer the door, praying that Braydon isn't still standing there.

    "About fucking time Caniff", Braydon says, looking annoyed. Bitch don't start with me. I don't even wanna go with you anyway. I look back at Gaige and he shrugs. "My cousin is in the back of my car. I brought her so she can hang out with Gaige". I smile at him. That's actually really sweet.

    We get into his car and drive to the county fair. We get out and the smell of food overwels me. Oh my holy hell that smells amazing. I put my hands in my sweatshirt pockets and walk with them. We get our tickets and go ride some rides.

   As we're walking from one ride to another, I hear a group of teenage girls talking loudly. "Oh my god, did you hear that the Magcon boys are here??". "NO!". "Are they?". "Let's go find them!". Then they ran off. Wait, the boys are here? No freaking way. No, it isn't possible.

   We get on another ride that goes up high. I look down at the people and spot J and J. (Jack and Jack). I groan as the ride stops and we get off. "I wanna go to the ferris wheel", Braydon states. I shrug and the others nod. "Alone. Well, alone with Taylor". I shrug, not even caring if he took me to an alley and left me. Which is possible.

    We walk to the ferris wheel but I stop for a cup of lemonade. I pay and then start walking with Braydon again. On the way, I bump into him, causing my lemonade to get on his shoes a little. "Oh, woops, Sorry Braydon", I say. He looks at me with anger in his eyes.

   "Listen you little bitch! Watch where the fuck you are going or I will beat the shit out of your ass right here!", he yells, getting all up in my face.

    "Back the fuck off!", I hear an all to familiar voice say. Shawn.

   A/N: Picture of Braydon on the side! Tell me what ya think in the comments! Byeee :*

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