"That's my girl" Fred spoke pulling her closer for a hug as she laughed.


"Oi! Jane!" Florence rolled her eyes at the familiar voice of the most annoying pure blood she has ever met. 

Florence never stopped, still walking forward as Draco caught up to walk beside her. "Hey are you throwing your name into the Goblet? Ya know you could finally bring some points in for Slytherin?"

Florence stopped dead in her tracks turning to look at the boy with a grimace on her face "You actually called by name Malfoy, so what is it you want. Also I bring in the most points for out house so grow a brain or I'll tell Athena about you talking to me"

"Don't tell that dim witted blood traitor for the love of Merlin" Draco spoke annoyed as Florence rolled her eyes.

"Walk with me" Florence demanded not wanting to be late for class as she dealt with Draco. Draco did what he was told, walking beside her. "Okay Draco, you are the 2nd best in your year, smart so you don't need help with your studies. So what is it? Don't waste my time"

Draco rolled his eyes, not letting the shorter blonde see him. "I need this Charms book, there were none left and I asked all the older kids but they all got rid of them. They told me you'd be the only one, who would have it."

Florence let out a sigh as the two turned the corner, she wasn't much of a fan of Draco but she knew how much it sucked to be in his position. "It's at my home-"

"Like your muggle home?"

"Yes Draco, my muggle home. I'll get my mother to mail it but it may take awhile as it'll go through the muggle mail" Florence spoke as she saw her Defence against the Dark Arts classroom come into view.

"The muggle mail! Can't your mother send it normally?" Draco exclaimed as Florence rolled her eyes, stopping in front of the door and turning to face Draco.

"Draco that is my mothers normal and you know, this is a crazy thought but maybe you could just be thankful I'm doing this for you?" Florence spoke, shrugging before heading into class as Draco stood there, annoyed.

Florence sat down at her usual spot, first again. She was always worried about being late when she was always the first to show up.

She turned her head, looking to the door opening. Snape walked in, looking to the girl, his eyes cold. "Early again? Do you take joy in being a tremendous try hard?"

Florence couldn't help but smirk at Snape, who usually grew annoyed with the girl but also couldn't help the small soft spot he had in his heart for her, the first muggle born in Slytherin for a decade. "Actually sir, I take great pride in my dedication to magic, that may be why I'm the only passing your class with outstanding marks"

Snape couldn't help but roll her eyes, making his way to his desk as the door opened again. Florence was too busy with her nose in her textbook, she didn't even realize it was Fred and George, who quickly made there way to their seats beside her.

George sat in the middle between Fred and Florence, giving her a nudge. "Pst"

Florences eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked up at the boy, who swallowed before whispering. "We need your help with a prank after class"

"I have charms after this" Florence spoke, before looking up at the boys "and so do you guys"

"Well yeah, but-" George began trying to figure out what to say but Fred was quick to finish.

"Yeah but we aren't going to class" Fred finished shrugging his shoulders, while George followed suit. "The only reason we showed up to this class was because we need your help"

Florence rolled her eyes, annoyed with the two as other students began making their way into class. Florence looked back to her two ginger haired friends, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You know I'll help you guys, just wait till my free period after lunch"

Fred and George looked to each other, excited, quickly high-fiving before George excitedly gave the girl a kiss on the forehead. "God I love you Florence Jane"

Florence rolled her eyes, playfully pushing George away, a smile on her face. "Yeah I know, I truly am the best, arent I?"

"Yes, you truly are!" Fred spoke excitedly before standing up while George followed suit. "We best be going now, have lots of planning to do"

"But you're in this class?" Florences eyes brows furrowed, confused.

"Yep, exactly!" Fred spoke and Florence couldn't help but giggle as she watched the two began walking towards the door.

"And where do you think you two are going?" Snape spoke and the gingers stopped in their path, slowly turning around to face the raven haired man.

"Oh um we actually forgot our books" Fred spoke, nodding as Florence looked at the two, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Oh! You guys can share mine for the class, plus I've already read the chapter" Fred and George rolled their eyes, sending the girl a glare.

"Thank you Miss Jane, please sit with her" Snape spoke annoyed as the two boys sat beside her.

"You're a Git Flo" George mumbled caused Florence to burst out laughing, earning a glare from Snape.

Mischief Managed//Fred WeasleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang