"Awe love don't be like that." Travis chuckled and they climbed onto my back, the first one on my back being Colby. Travis was tall as it was so he didn't need much assistance. 

Once they were comfortably on my back I looked back at them as best as I could and Travis nodded giving me the ok to stand. 

"The view is crazy from up here." Travis said and I huffed in agreement. I couldn't wait until we were mated and we could talk in a link to make communicating easier. 

"How are things going Alpha?" Cooper asked. 

"Better than either of us thought." I said. 

"That's great news, I'm sure the rest of the pack will be overjoyed." He said. 

"One step at a time, we can hold a pack meeting when he's ready and see about mom passing on her title over to him." I said. 

"Yes Alpha, very well." He said before closing our link. 

After walking a little ways, we stopped at the gazebo which has become our special place. 

"How did I know you were coming here?" Travis chuckled and got down once I was on the ground. 

When they were both off, I stepped behind a tree and shifted then got dressed. 

"It is our spot after all." I smiled. 

"So, how's your anxiety?" I asked. 

"Non-existent. I was more shocked than I was anxious. You're tall but not as tall as I envisioned. Gregory is six three so I assumed you'd at least be a foot taller in wolf form, maybe two feet taller." He said. Damn, he really doesn't have a filter… even if it made sense I'd be taller in wolf form. 

"Ouch… that hurt." I pouted. 

Colby gasped.

"Daddy you hurt papa's feelings, that's not nice." 

"I'm sorry." He said to us both and I wrapped an arm around his neck as I sat next to him.

"It's ok mate, I get it. I'll grow in strength and size once we're mated, so watch out." I smirked, pinching his ass making him yelp and groan. 

"Yes, daddy." He whispered to me seductively and I growled a little. He's making it so hard not to pound his hot muscular ass. 

"You're playing with fire you know." I whispered to him as I watched Colby try to catch butterflies with his net we keep here for him. 

"Maybe I wanna get burned tonight." He said with a straight face. This little shit… 

"You better be glad Colby's here or you'd pinned to a support beam and mounted, impaled on my cock." I said in a quiet tone. 

My string has officially snapped. If he wants to get burned tonight he'll get his wish and I'm not holding back. 

"I'm done denying myself and you. I want to be with you and make us one. I proved that today, haven't I?" He asked more so asking himself than he was asking me. 

"Babe, are you sure that's what you want? I'd wait no matter how long it takes as long as it was what made you happy." I said. I don't want him to feel rushed or pressured. Gregory and I already made that mistake by telling him who and what we were before his time. We can't do that again. 

"I am ready Rift, I made it this far, this is my goal and you know I never give up. I want us to be one and be by your side through it all." He said. 

"If you're sure and it's truly what you want I won't say no." I said. 

He nodded and I couldn't help but smile. 

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now