"Certainly," i smiled. I looked at Sylvia and spoke," you know we hadn't had that dinner date yet, shall we invite your dad to go with us too?" It seemed like a great idea. Plus it will give me more time to bond with him.

"That's amazing idea!"she said in joy, and turned to his father," dad join us for dinner."

He politely said," you two have go and have fun, I don't wanna get between the date." He laughed.

I pursued him," it would be an honour to have dine with us, plus Sylvia also like to spend time with you."

"Yes dad please join."

He eventually agreed. "Okay bunny."

We drove a italian restaurant. We went in and took our seats. "I still remember we used to have italian every Friday." David said to Sylvia.

"Yeah I remember friday and italian food was our special day!" She giggled.

We ordered the food.

"So David can you tell more how Sylvia was like when she was a child?" I asked him.

"My son, all i can say you have got a handful here." He pointed at her.

"Come in dad ." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

He turned start stating her childhood stories to support his cause," he was the naughtiest at school. I got parents teacher meeting almost every day. One case I remember she beat up a boy cause he bullied her friend. She used to sneak out of the house and another time she set my wife hair on fire." He laughed.

I remember her telling me this. I chuckled the same.

"Dad stop now." She was blushing.

"Non can do bunny, Ashton should prepare himself too." He chuckled.

Our food was served and we started eating.

I was very intrigued to learn more about her. "May i ask what is the reason behind such an adorable pet name?" I asked him.

His eyes sparkled with that question," now you have ask something worth knowing." He laughed.

"Please dad not that..." her face was red with embarrassment.

"I wanna know love" i said to Sylvia.

"No! You don't not that!" She panicked.

David started speaking," so when she was 7 years old, it was easter and her birthday. So she was very excited about it. I bought a pink bunny suit for her birthday, and she was excited that she wore that 3 continues days. She didn't take bath or even changed once." He started laughing loudly after finishing.

I chuckled on the same. I saw Sylvia dug down in her seat with embarrassment. She was looking so cute at the moment.

"I would love to see that." I said to David smiling.

"You in luck son. I have her childhood photos on my phone." He took his phone and started showing me.

"You guys are the worst "she pouted. "Your ganging up on me, with my embarrassing childhood pics."

I looked at her still chuckling," i am sorry my love. I have to agree with you father on this. You were adorable!" She covered her face with embarrassment.

I saw the pics of a brunette hair girl with two pony tails and in pink bunny costume. It was most adorable. David swiped and showed me more photos of her.

At this moment Sylvia was red like a tomato.

"Shall i tell what she did on her 10th birthday?" David said.

"I love to hear it." I said excited.

We eat and talked more.

Sylvia excused herself to the restroom. To run away from the embarrassing stories.

David and i was alone right now.

"Thank for the wonder dinner Ashton." He said to me.

"The pleasure is all mine. I had an amazing time, i got to hear a side of Sylvia i was looking forward to." I took a sip of the champagne.

I noticed his glass was empty so i poured him some.

"I hope you serious about my daughter. She acts tough but she is delicate. After her mother passed away, i gave her everything. She grew up in love. My only daughter. Even though i remained the place of her mother can never be taken by anyone. She doesn't show it bit i know, she misses Elena too." He said in a serious voice now.

I also shifted my face to serious. "I assure you David. I am very serious for your daughter. She is my heart. I can never imagine my life without her. I will do anything for her and give her everything she wants. Someday, i want to marry her. He means the world to me. And when that day comes i would like your blessings."

He gave me a warm smile," she found a good one."

"Its her who, changed me. I can never began to comprehend how much love and gratuitous i am for her." I smiled.

I saw Sylvia making her way towards us.

"Take care of my angel " he held my shoulders.

"I will." I meant it.

She sat down. "So what are you guys talking while i was gone?" She teased me.

"We were agreeing how adorable you were when you were small. You still are though." I winked at her.

"You both are incorrigible "

We both laughed.

We got up from our seat and drove David to his hotel. Sylvia and i were alone in the car.

"Dad liked you." She said cheerfully. "Its the first time i saw him open up so much with anyone."

"I like him too. He is a good man."

She leaned in close. "So what did you guys talked about? I know you were talking about me i wanna know."

"Its a secret..." i smirked.

"Aww not fair.." she pouted.

"Your cute." I kissed her lips when I stopped at a signal. "I love you my darling."

"I love you too Ash."

We sunk into a deeper kiss.


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