Ch-38 Bodyguards and birthdays.

Start from the beginning

He looked at me smiling," thank Sylvia. I knew I could count on you. "

"Always Daniel. Your my friend."

He revert back to his playful self. "You know for a while in the beginning i had little crush on you." He winked at me.

I laughed," well i have that effect on people." I said with pride.

We both started laughing at how silly we are.

"By the way whats with the secret service guys behind you?" Shit I totally forgot about the bodyguard.

"Please ignore them, it's something temporary..."

"Okay miss VIP " he laughed.

The director called us for the shoot. And like that the day was over. I reached home and saw Ashton was late.

I started making a small dinner for us.

My phone rang and it was Chris. "Hey whats up?"

"Hey Sylvia can you please tell Ashton to revert my calls instead of blocking me. He is not gonna get away with it! He have to attend it tomorrow "

"Woah! Calm down where is the fire? Attend what? And why will he block you?"

"Its his birthday tomorrow.... so please tell him to come home. "

"WHAT?!" I practically shouted.

"Dont tell me that dim head DIDNT tell you about it? "

"Umm No! Whenever i ask about his birthday he manages to change the topic. "

"I cant believe him. He is a child." He sighed.

"What was he thinking? Skip celebrating his birthday?" I questions his logic.

"He always manages to escape celebrating.." Chris complained.

"Not this time! I am seriously upset he hid his birthday from me. I have got a plan."

"What you are proposing?"

"Something special... let's throw him a surprise party ! And invite his family and friends and all.." i said cheerfully.

"Thats a great idea! There is no way he will able to skip that. And we can have the party at your place so he wont be suspicious." He spoke.

"Great! I will start making the arrangements then! I will give you the details."

"Amazing. Ttyl." The call ended.

After a while Ashton came home. I behaved normal like I didn't know anything. We spoke for a while and then went to bed.

Same morning came and he went to work. I canceled work today and started planning the party and bought decorations and the cake.

i want to do something special and spice things up. I was cleaning my closet and a old furry handcuffs fell down.

I took them in my hand and thought this can turn to something kinky.

I bought the sexy lingerie from Victoria's Secret. And a few bondage play item & toys. I arranged the same as a game of 3 wooden boxes containing different items, in our bed room.

I invited his friends and family. I also invited Adam and he bought Daina with him.

I got the cake and decorations.

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