[ Chapter Twenty-four ]

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You hummed quietly as you slowly woke up, moving your hand on Jungkook's spot to see it was empty

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You hummed quietly as you slowly woke up, moving your hand on Jungkook's spot to see it was empty.

You sleepily looked around the room, sitting up and stretching. His clothes from yesterday were gone along with yours, the traveling bags were gone as well.

"Jungkook?" You called out, no reply coming your way. You couldn't help but feel worried, getting up and throwing on one of Jungkook's shirts.

When you opened the bedroom door, the smell of freshly made coffee and different scents of foods hit your nostrils, your stomach instantly growling.

As you slowly headed to the kitchen, you caught a glimpse of a Jungkook with a hoodie and shorts on, singing and dancing to some music he had playing in the background quietly while cooking.

You smiled widely, happy to see him so happy. "'Cause I-I-I'm in the stars tonight~" He sang quietly, turning around to put something on the counter just to see you standing there, arms folded over your stomach.

"Good morning." You said with a giggle when he widened his eyes, blushing deeply and looking away. "I-I hope I didn't wake you up." He said shyly, scratching the back of his head.

"You didn't. I woke up myself." You said while making your way to him, hugging him from behind. "Why didn't you stay in bed?" You asked.

"I wanted to surprise you with some breakfast... I know how much you've suffered so I wanted you to feel like home for once." He said shyly.

He turned around, wrapping his arms around your waist as you moved yours around his neck. "Thank you, Jungkook." You whispered.

He leaned down and kissed you sweetly, pulling away. "Come on, sit down. I'll serve you some breakfast." He said, guiding you to sit in front of the counter.

You looked down at all the food, your mouth already watering at the sight of everything. "Wow... You did all of this?" You asked in surprise.

There was enough food to feed the entire street your house was at. He smiled, glancing at you as he put some more butter in the pan to make a pancake.

"Yup. All for you because you deserve this and more." He chuckled. He placed a plate in front of you after he finished cooking, handing you a fork.

"Choose anything you'd like."

There was pancakes, eggs, bacon, spinach soup, toasts, and fruit salad. So many things and you didn't know what to try first. You took a pancake, some toast, and poured yourself and Jungkook a small bowl of spinach soup.

"What are we celebrating today?" You asked, taking a bite from your toast while he sat down beside you.

"A new life." He replied, smiling at you sweetly.


You watched Jungkook order some tteokbokki and dumplings from a street food stand, speaking in Korean.

You looked around, fixing the mask that was on over your mouth and nose. People were happy, walking around the cold streets hugging their jackets or being close to their friends, laughing and smiling.

You smiled sadly at everyone, seeing them eating food together and giggling, joking around, and being playful with each other.

"Y/n," Jungkook called out, making you snap your head towards him. "Hm?" You hummed. "I have been calling you for the past 5 minutes. Here you go." He said, handing you a small paper bowl with red tteokbokki.

You took it, "Sorry..." You whispered. You took a bite of the tteokbokki, your eyes widening at the taste. "Hm! It's so good!" You exclaimed, giggling softly.

"Ooh, and spicy." You said, fanning your mouth slightly. Jungkook chuckled at you, pecking your temple. "It's spicy. I should have told you." He said.

He took a bite of his own, beginning to walk around with you and trying to see a few stores here and there. "Why are you so off?" He asked after a while of silence, of you two walking and eating.

After finishing your tteokbokki, you threw away the paper plate, drinking some water. "It's just..." You said, sighing softly.

"All of this is so nice it feels like a dream." You said, giggling softly while glancing into a wedding store where some wedding dresses were on display.

"Like, when we were there, I thought I would never be able to get married or have kids. Or ever get a decent job and life an adult life." You crossed your arms over your chest, glancing at one of the dresses that really caught your eyes.

The girl was wearing it in the boutique, her wide smile and teary eyes making you smile as well, her mother hugging her proudly

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The girl was wearing it in the boutique, her wide smile and teary eyes making you smile as well, her mother hugging her proudly.

"You think you will never get married?" He asked quietly, glancing at you. "I might if you propose." You joked, but somehow deep down, you wished for him to do so.

You shared a chuckle, his arms wrapping around your shoulders and his lips placing a kiss on the side of your head. "I'm sure growing old beside you will be amazing." He whispered.

You blushed softly, leaning your head on his shoulder when he took your hand in his, giving it a soft kiss.

You kept walking around for a while, entering stores, and buying a few clothes and things you liked here and there.

You decided to get a diary, write down your experience in life for future generations, for your kids and grandchildren to read.

It was time to start a new life and leave a mark for people to remember you.

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