[ Chapter Fifteen ]

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"I can't

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"I can't..." You said, staring at the gun with slight anxiety growing inside of you.

"Y/n, if that guy comes back again, you need to learn on how to take the gun away before he shoots you." He said, lowering his arm.

"You need to learn if you want to stay alive and protect your friends." He walked closer, moving his hand to your cheek.

"You can do it. I won't hurt you." You stared into his eyes, hesitating but nodding while letting out a shaky sigh.

"You know what to do right? You grab my hand, elbow my stomach, and twist the gun out of my hand." He said, repeating the steps while stepping away.

You waited until he pointed the gun at you, glaring at him before going to his side.

You grabbed his wrist, elbowing his stomach before twisting his wrist slightly.

He winced, his hand opening enough for you to take the gun and move away, pointing the gun at him.

He massaged his wrist while looking at you, smiling. "Well done. See?" He said. You put the gun down, looking towards the water of the lake.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, making his way to you. You sighed, placing the gun down.

"Nothing..." You muttered, watching him come closer and rest his hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him.

Now, it was time for your plan. You rest your hands on his chest, caressing it softly as he looked at you worriedly.

"Come on, tell me." He whispered. You opened your mouth to say something before you pushed him into the water, laughing heavily as he fell into the water with a big splash.

You leaned down with your hands on your knees, still laughing as he swam to the surface. "What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, running his hand through his wet hair.

"Y-You should have seen your face!" You exclaimed back, unable to breathe straight as you kept laughing.

He glared at you before swimming to the pier, pulling himself up without any trouble. You widened your eyes, squealing loudly when he began walking to you quickly.

"You're going to get it now." He said in a deep voice. You ran down the pier, making him run after you.

When he wrapped his arms around your waist, you exclaimed loudly after he jumped into the water with you.

Once underwater, you swam to the surface with him, splashing him with water while laughing slightly.

He chuckled, grabbing your arms and pulling you into his embrace. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, smiling at him.

"You have to change my bandage later." You said, his hand moving some hair behind your ear before kissing you sweetly.

You deepened the kiss, moving your hands to his cheeks with a soft sigh. His lips moved slowly and lovingly against yours, his hand resting on the back of your head.

You felt his tongue run over your lower lip, asking for entrance. You parted your lips, letting him enter your mouth and explore.

You let out a tiny moan, burying your hands in his hair. "Jungkook..." You muttered against his lips.

The kiss kept going, feeling your back hit one of the legs of the pier, hiding underneath it.

One of Jungkook's hands trailed underneath your shirt and onto your cold, wet skin. You shivered at the feeling of his fingers caressing your hips.

His lips slowly moved away from yours, his breathing hitting your lips as he panted a bit. "Let's stop here. You're hurt." He whispered.

You stared at him before nodding softly, feeling him pull his hand out from under your shirt and take you both to the ladder by the pier.

He climbed up first before you climbed with his help. There was passion evident between you, need, and lust.

You both needed each other but you understood why he was hesitating. "Tomorrow, we'll repeat what we did today and I'll teach you how to shoot a gun." He said, avoiding your eyes.

You placed your hands on his cheeks, making him glance at you. He stared deeply into your eyes, taking your hands into his.


You stumbled into the room while kissing, your hands pushing his jacket off his shoulders and onto the ground while he closed and locked the door to your room.

He pulled your shirt off, breaking the kiss while you took his shirt off. After throwing the clothes onto the ground, you stumbled back and onto the bed with him on top of you.

His hands trailed over your sides and hips, his lips lowering to your neck and letting you feel the ticklish and shivering feeling of his lips against your skin.

"Jungkook..." You muttered, tugging his hair and making him groan against your skin.

"Tell me what you want, baby." He whispered, moving up to be eye level with you, staring deep into your eyes.

"Fuck me. Make love to me. I need you." You whispered.

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