[ Epilogue 1/2 ]

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It has been 3 years

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It has been 3 years. 3 years since that day where you dropped through the window. 3 years since Jungkook kept screaming your name from that window as your body fell through the morning mist that was in the air.

His mind couldn't stop repeating that scene every day. He had nightmares and he hoped that someday he would wake up from that terrible dream and that you would be in his arms.

He blamed himself for that. He thought that if he had made it sooner, he would have been able to kill that man and save you before you fell off.

With a sigh, he sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes and temples. With a sad glance, he looked around, staring at the empty room.

Your clothes were still there, everything was still there that belonged to you. He wasn't able to throw everything away. "Our child would have been 3 years old." He whispered.

He leaned on his knees with his hands pressed against his lips, staring at the table where you spent most of your time. He got up and walked closer, opening the book where you took most of your notes.

His eyebrows furrowed at the writing though. It kept saying, 'wake up.' "Wake up? Why would she write this?" He asked quietly.

He placed the book down when sudden whispering echoed around him. A female's voice. "Wake up, Jungkook. Wake up." She said.

"It's been 3 years. We need you." Jungkook widened his eyes, tears beginning to trail down his cheeks as everything turned black around him.


With a small gasp, Jungkook's eyes snapped open, looking around hurriedly to find the hospital room's ceiling and the bright lights. "Jungkook." The same female voice sounded.

His eyes snapped to the side only for them to widen, tears instantly building up and trailing down the sides of his face.

It was you. You were standing all well and smiley in front of him. Your hand went to press the button to call the doctors, sobbing happily.

"You woke up. You listened to me." You said in a happy voice, some shuffling sounding from behind you. "Mommy? What happened?" A whimpering voice echoed from behind.

"Look, daddy is awake, baby." You said as you picked up a a little girl. Jungkook's eyes widened impossibly more, a sob leaving his lips.

He then realized a mask was covering his lips and nose, an oxygen mask. He tried to take it off with his hand but he just stared at all the cables that were connected to it.

"Mr. Jeon. It is so nice to see you awake!" The doctor said as he walked in with a couple of nurses. He walked to the side of Jungkook's bed, checking his vitals and other machines.

"We were beginning to think we lost you, Mr. Jeon." The doctor said with a sigh. "Do you think you can breathe on your own?" Jungkook nodded softly in response.

When the male took the mask off, Jungkook slightly gasp before regaining his breathing. He looked towards you, his eyebrows furrowing.

"H-How...?" He managed to mutter. "Mr. Jeon, 3 years ago a building collapsed on you and many others. Everyone managed to stay alive since the building was made to collapse partially and not entirely." The doctor began explaining.

"Unluckily, part of the ceiling that fell on you and your wife, damaging you more than her. You fell into a coma and now, 3 years later, you woke up." He continued.

"We thought we were going to lose you but your wife here kept insisting on keeping you on." You smiled and took his hand, wiping your cheeks.

"B-But... That's what I don't remember." Jungkook managed to say. "When in a comma, we tend to revive our memories in different ways, as if we are living a different life and we cannot realize if that is real or just a dream." The doctor said.

"Okay, your vitals are alright and you seem to be doing alright. We will run a couple of more tests later. I'll let you wake up fully and talk everything out with your wife." You and Jungkook watched him leave, closing the door behind you.

"Daddy?" The little girl said, crawling onto the bed beside Jungkook. "Is she...?" Jungkook trailed off. You nodded softly, smiling widely. "She is our child." You whispered.

He turned to look at her with a sad smile, his hand shakily making its way to her cheek. "Hey, pumpkin." He whimpered. He couldn't believe his daughter was there.

"Sweetie, why don't you go see Auntie? Hm? She's outside." You said softly after picking her up and placing her down on the ground to stand.

She nodded and left, leaving you and Jungkook alone. "So... A girl, huh?" Jungkook chuckled. You sat down beside him and nodded, taking his hand in yours.

"Yes, a girl." You replied, looking right into his eyes. "She looks so much like you. Ever since she was born. I would stare at her as she slept and it would be as if I was staring at you." You sobbed.

"I missed you so much, Jungkook." You whimpered, leaning down and hugging him tightly. You could finally feel his warmth again, his arms around you when you hugged.

"I remember that you got shot a-and that you fell off the building a-and that you didn't survive. I don't remember the building collapsing on us." He stuttered as you pulled away enough to look at him.

"I did get shot." You said, lifting your shirt to show the two scars on your stomach. "And you did manage to hit the man but then you ran to me and jumped to the side when the ceiling collapsed." You explained.

"You knocked yourself out and some of the concrete hit your head. You were very critical when brought in and the doctors had no hope that you would survive." You muttered.

Your hands caressed his cheeks, smiling widely. "But I did hope. I knew you would survive." You said. He smiled back at you, sighing softly.

"I just can't believe you're alive." He whispered in disbelief.

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