Chapter 18

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Bekah's POV

"Bekah, will you marry me?" Andy said getting down on one knee. So many thoughts were rushing through my head. Am I ready?

My eyes shot open. I turn my head a little to see Andy fast asleep. Oh thank god that dream wasn't real. I looked around the bunk and tried to find a way to escape but there wasn't any way.

I don't know. Would I say yes? Would I say no? I sighed which I guess woke Andy up. "Hey baby. How are you?" He asked. "Peachy." I said. "I just want you to know that you are never ever leaving my sight. I can't bare to lose you again." I nodded.

"I don't ever want to go through that again." I said. "Well do you want something to eat?" He asked me. "Sure." We got out of the bunk. We walked into the kitchen and no one was on the bus.

Andy opened the fridge. "You want some bacon?" "I'm actually more in the mood for that fried chicken we had the other night." I said. He chuckled and pulled out the box. "Breast or leg?" I laughed. He looked at me and laughed back. "Leg." He handed me a leg.

I ate it in the matter of minutes. "Damn you're hungry." I shrugged. "I guess." We both then got onto the couch. He put his arm around me. "Bekah?" He asked. "Mhm." "Did he hurt you in any way possible?" I thought for a moment.

I shook my head. "The only thing he did was say that I was his and tried to hug me." He nodded. we sat there in silence. But not an awkward silence, but a enjoying-the-quiet kind of silence.

Just then, the bus door opened and me and Andy looked at each other. We rolled our eyes. I love the guys and Katie and Saylen, it's just I like to have some peace and quiet sometimes. I guess this is one of the many struggles of touring.

They all then bombarded me with hugs. Katie's was the longest though. "I'm so glad you are back!" She said. "Me too." I said.

**That Night**

I decided to talk to Katie about the whole dream thing. I walked over to Katie who was sitting on the couch eating a banana. "Hey Katie, can I talk to you?" She nodded throwing her banana away. We walked into the back lounge and closed the door.

"What's up?" She asked. I sighed. "I had a dream last night. About Andy." Her eyes grew wide. "No no no not like that. He proposed to me." "Oh." "Now I'm nervous that he might propose soon and I don't know what I would do. I mean I'm only halfway through my last year of high school and I would like to get married after I graduated."

"Bekah calm down. He's not gonna propose anytime in the next couple of months. He's still on tour and it wouldn't be the easiest thing to plan a wedding in this small bus thing." I nodded. "I guess. But if he does, what would I say?" I ask. "Whatever you feel in there." She said pointing to my heart. We bursted out into laughter. "Where the hell did that come from?" I ask laughing. "I don't know!" She replied.

We went back into the living area and I see Andy bent over looking in the fridge. I walk over to him and take my two fingers and poke the back of his neck. He flipped out. I bursted out into laughter. He then picked me up and brought me outside.

"ANDY PUT ME DOWN! ANDREW DENNIS BIERSACK PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled flailing. He was laughing. "I will put you down if you say you won't do it again!" He yelled back. I calmed down. "Fine." He put me down. I then did it again. "HAHA!" I said running in an unknown direction. He followed.

After about 5 minutes of running, I was done. I sat down on the ground and Andy joined me. He glared at me playfully. I smirked.

I look up and there were millions of stars. Andy put his arm around me. "Where are we?" I ask. "I don't know, but I kinda like it." He said. I smiled. "Me too."

Hey guys! I'm really bored so I'm watching Gilmore Girls and writing this soooo yeah. I'm gonna write more in the next couple of days it's just I'm trying to keep my grades up and my room clean-_____-

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