Chapter 9

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I stood there with wide eyes as I saw my sister fighting with someone I hoped to never see again. My dad. They didn't noticed we walked in and kept fighting. Andy noticed I stiffened. "Are you ok?" He whispered. I shook my head. "Andy, that's my dad." I said. He tightened his grip on me. The anger began to boil inside me. Katie then looked at me. Then my dad. He looked at me and Andy. "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?!" He asked. Wait. Where's the guys? "I'm Andy her boyfriend." He said tightening his grip even more. I look at Katie. She was looking at my dad. "Get. Off. Of. Her." He said. I then spoke up. "Andy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He wants me to be happy and will do whatever he needs to make that happen. He loves me for me not my looks and I love him to death. He also will protect me from any danger and will take a bullet for me. I am not breaking up with him." I said. I took his hand. My dad made this weird expression with his face and it just made me more mad. I let go of Andy and run upstairs. I go into my room and slam the door shut. I then fall down to the floor and punch it. I then heard a knock at my door. I open it and I jump into Andy's arms. We sit on my bed. "I don't want this to happen again Andy. He's back. For good." I said choking through my tears. "Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you." He said kissing my head. We then heard a door slam. "He might've left." Andy said. "Thank god." I said still crying. He began to sing The Morticians Daughter. I don't really care if he wrote it about Scout. He loves me and that's all that matters.
"I will await dear, a patience of eternity, my crush. A universe so still. No rust. No dust will ever grow on this frame, one million years, and I will say your name. I love you more than I can ever scream."
I smiled. I kissed him then put my head on his chest. He held me and I felt protected. I never want to leave him and I never want him to leave me. I felt as if we were perfect together. He kissed my head and Katie walked in the door. "Um. Bekah. I need to talk to you." She said nervously. I sighed and pulled away from Andy. I got up and walked with my sister into the hallway. "What happened?!" I ask. Jinxx then came into the hallway. He waved and walked downstairs. "Ok so there was a knock on the door after Andy went to pick you up. I looked through the peephole and saw dad. I told the guys to go upstairs and I opened the door. He tried to hug me but I yelled at him. He then got upset and kept telling me how he changed and he hoped I would forgive him but I said no. I mean how could we?! Then he walked into the house saying it was still his and we began to yell at each other about you and then you walked in with Andy and he you know. Got really pissed. Then I kicked him out and locked all the doors and windows and said if he came back I'd call the cops." She said half angry an half sad. I gave her a hug. "Anything else?" I asked. "Well, I wasn't gonna tell you this but um he kinda started to insult Andy." She said trailing off. I suddenly got really mad. "What did he say?!" I ask. "He said that you were dating an emo fag and said that he doesn't want you dating him." She said. I could feel my cheeks begin to turn red. I'm a mixture of mad and sad right now. I started to tear up but I just wiped them away. But they kept flowing. Katie hugs me and I hug her back. She pulled away. "You wanna spend more time with Andy before your concert?" I totally forgot about the concert. I nodded my head and walked back to my room. I walk in and Andy was looking around. "Hey." I said trailing off. "What's wrong?" He asked. I started to tear up a bit. "He said you were an emo fag!" I said crying. Andy got up and hugged me. "It's ok Bekah." He said. "No it's not! He insulted you and it made me mad because I love you!" I said. He kissed my head. "I love you to." He said. "Hey I know what could cheer you up!" He said. "What?" I asked. He smiled. "After your concert, how about we go on our first official date?" He asked. I smiled really big. I nodded my head. He smiled even bigger. We then sat on my bed and talked. "Andy I have a question." He nodded his head. "How are we gonna get to see each other when you leave?" I asked. "Well I thought we could Skype or FaceTime every night and maybe you guys can come visit for Christmas." He said. I smiled. "That would be nice." I hugged him. We stayed in our embrace until Katie walked in. "Hey Beck, Saylen's here. The concert starts in an hour so you need to get ready." She said. I nodded my head and pulled away from Andy. I got up and grabbed my band polo and went into the bathroom to get changed. I saw Andy walk downstairs. I changed into my shirt and walked downstairs. "You ready?" Saylen asked. I nodded my head. Everyone including the whole band got up. "Wait. How are we all gonna fit in the car?" I ask. "Well you, Andy, Katie, and Ashley will ride in your car. Me, Jinxx, CC, and Saylen, will ride in our car and the girls are taking a cab." Jake said. I nodded my head. I slipped on my black Vans and we walked out the door. Me and Andy sat in the back while Ashley and Katie were in the front. Andy took my hand. I smiled but then it turned into a frown. "What's wrong baby?" Andy asked. "What day is today?" I ask. "Tuesday." Katie said. "You guys leave tomorrow." I said. Andy sighed. "I don't know what time though." Ashley said. I nodded my head. We got to the school and Andy helped me out of the car. We waited for the rest of the guys and Saylen to get here. Sammi and Ella were already here. I put my head on Andy's shoulder. He took my hand and he kissed my head. I started to get butterflies in my stomach. I get these before all of the concerts because what if I mess up? I mean the flutes have a solo and if I mess up, I'm dead. I sighed. "Don't worry you'll do fine." Andy told me. I nodded my head. Mr. Dell then came outside. "Bekah there you are! We've been waiting for you. Where's Saylen?" He looked at me and Andy and smiled. "Um she's coming. I guess the guys got lost." I said. He looked at me confused. "She'll be here soon." After I said that, they pull up. CC opens the door for Saylen and I think it's the cutest thing ever. They are so adorable. They all walk up to us and we walked in. They went into the gym while we went into the band room. "Hey Bekah can I see you for a sec?" Mr. Dell asked. I walked over to his desk. "Ok, Bailey isn't here and she was suppose to do a solo. I know you know the song so can you perform it?" He asked. Without thinking I nodded my head. Well, you could say I was thinking but I didn't want to be rude and say no so I just said yes. I walk back to the storage room and opened my locker. "Hey what did he talk to you about?" Saylen asked me. "I'm doing Bailey's solo." I said. "Really?! I'm so happy for you!" She said. "I just hope I don't mess up." I said. I now began to shake. I put together my instrument and grabbed my music. I walked out of the band room and made my way to the gym. "Bekah!" I turn around and see Andy and CC running to me. "Where's Saylen?" CC asked. I shrugged. He sighed and walked back to the gym. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you." He said. I smiled. "I love you to" I said. He kissed my cheek and went to the gym. I stood there for a second then walked to the gym. I entered and I could hear the middle school band begin their concert. I then saw Saylen sitting on the bleachers in the back. I walked to Saylen and sat down. "CC was looking for you." I said to her. "I know he found me." She said smiling. "Do you know where their sitting?" I ask. She pointed to them. They were sitting diagonal from us and they were facing the performers. I started to get even more nervous. What if I mess up? What if I embarrass myself in front of everyone? What if Andy leaves me because he thinks I'm a failure? "He wouldn't do that Bekah. Don't worry you'll do great!" Saylen said. I guess I thought out loud. I looked down. After the middle school performed, it was time for us. I grabbed my instrument and walked to the front row. Mr. Dell was scanning the whole band making sure everyone was here. He nodded his head telling us we were about to begin. He began to conduct and we began. After the 3 songs we did, it was time for the solos. There was a solo for each woodwind instrument. Saxophone, Clarinet, and Flute. Thankfully, I was last but the bad part was I was finishing off the concert. If I mess up I'm so dead. I started to shake when the saxophone ended. Just 2 more minutes till it's my turn. I went over the fingerings and tapped my foot. "Ok now we have a flute solo by Bekah Silvers!" Mr. Dell said. I looked up and saw that Andy had a smile on his face. I grabbed my music and walked up to the front. I put my music on the stand and began to play. I completely blocked out the world around me. I hit every note. Slurring and tonging, I did it all perfect. When I was done, I looked up. Everyone cheered and clapped. "That concludes our performance! Thank you for coming out today!" Mr. Dell said. I picked up my music. "Good job Bekah!" He said giving me a fist pump. "Thanks!" I said. Saylen then came running to me. She wrapped me in a huge hug. "OH MY GOD YOU WERE SO AMAZING!" She said. "Thanks!" I said. We then walked back to the band room to put our instruments away. I put my flute in my locker and this girl came up to me. "Hey I'm Bella and you were really good. I also heard that you like Black Veil Brides and they are like my favorite band." She said. I smile. "I'm Bekah and nice to meet you!" I said. We talked about bands and we both entered the hallway. "BEKAH!" I heard Katie yell. I turn around and Katie pulled me into a bear hug. "Oh my god you were SOOO good!" She said. We pull apart. "Who's this?" She asked smiling. "This is Bella she also likes bvb." I said. After I said that, Andy came running to me. I then ran to him and he pulled me into a hug. "You were so good babe!" He said. He kissed me. "Thanks!" I said. We then start walking over to Katie and Bella hand in hand. Bella looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh yeah Bella this is Andy Biersack." I said. "Oh. My. God. YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOUR DATING ANDY BIERSACK!" She said smiling. "So I guess you're a fan?" Andy said smiling. Bella nodded her head smiling. Bella and I exchanged numbers and we left. "Oh by the way Bekah you did really good!" Ashley said giving me a high five. "Thanks!" I said. "You never told us you were doing a solo." Jake said. "Well the girl that was suppose to do it never showed up and I knew her solo so Mr. Dell asked me to do it." I said as we walked out of the school. I looked at my phone and it was 6:15. We all said our goodbyes and got into the car. Andy sat next to me and this time we had to fit Ella and Sammi. I was squished against the door and Andy was holding my hand. "When we get home, start getting ready for our date." He whispered kissing my cheek. I smiled. When we got home I ran into the house. "Why are you in a rush?" Katie asked. "I'm going on a date with Andy." I said smiling. "Oooooo! Bekah's going on a date with Andy!" Katie said. Saylen came into the living room. "You're going on a date with Andy?!" She asked. I nodded my head. "We gotta help you get ready!" She said. We ran upstairs. Katie started looking through my closet and Saylen dragged me into the bathroom to do my makeup. Katie came in with a dress. "You actually think I'm gonna wear that?" I ask her. She knows how much I hate dresses. "C'mon Beck!" "No." Katie sighed and went back into my closet. Saylen straightened my hair and did my makeup. Katie then came back with a black shirt and black pants. "That's better!" I said. They left and I got changed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed. I'm fat. I know Andy told me that I'm beautiful but what does everyone else think? I grabbed my phone and walked out of the bathroom. "You. Look. Amazing!" Katie said. "Thanks." I said putting on a fake smile. Ok Bekah snap out of this! I should be happy. I'm going on a date with Andy. I walk over and put on a ton of bracelets. I then walk downstairs. Andy was standing by the door. He was in black pants and a white shirt with a black sweatshirt. "You look fancy." I said. He smiled at me. "You look beautiful!" He said. I blushed. He held out his arm and we linked them. We then walk out to the car. He opens my door and I get in. "Thank you." "No problem." He said smiling. He then got in. "Before we go, I want to give you something." He said. He pulled a box out of his pocket. At first, I thought he was purposing but then I opened it. It was a necklace. It was a heart with 'Never Let You Down' engraved on it. It also had 'XII.VI.MMXIV' written on it. "What does this mean?" I ask pointing to it. "It's the date I asked this beautiful girl to be mine in Roman numerals." He kissed my cheek. "Oh my god Andy I love it! Thank you!" I said kissing him. "Let me help you put it on." He put the necklace on me. I smiled. "When did you get this?" "Today while you were at school." "Aw." I couldn't stop smiling. He pulled out of the driveway. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Somewhere you will love." He said taking my hand. I looked out the window and thought of all the possible places he could be taking me. Wait. How does he know his way around? Maybe Katie showed him. He then pulled up at a ice skating rink. I smiled. Even though I don't know how to skate, it still reminds me of the times I used to skate with Katie when we lived in New York. "I told you you'd like it." He said. I got out of the car and hugged him. "Thank you!" I kiss him. "Your welcome." He smiled. He takes my hand and we walk in. I totally forgot I wasn't wearing a jacket. I shivered. "You could baby?" I nodded my head. He then put his jacket around me. I put my arms through the holes. "Thanks but aren't you cold?" He shook his head. We went over and got our skates and went out onto the rink. Andy was really good surprisingly. I on the other hand was struggling. I fell on my butt a couple of times and me and Andy both laughed. I then clung on to him. He helped me out and soon enough, I learned how! After we were done, it was 11:00. When we got into the car, I gave Andy his jacket back. "Keep it. I have more." He said. "Thanks." I said. He then kissed my cheek. I blushed. "Your cute." He said. I blushed again. Ugh why do I blush so much! He then took my hand. We drove off to the house. I then remembered tomorrow. "Andy?" "Mhm." "Do you have to leave tomorrow?" He sighed. "I'm sorry honey but I have to." He said. I looked down. "Hey we still have tonight!" I nodded my head. When we got home, Andy put his arm around me and we walked into the house. Everyone was laying down watching a movie. "THEY'RE BACK!" CC yelled. Nobody really cared because their attention was on the movie. Me and Andy then went upstairs. We got into my bedroom and I yawned. "I'm tired." I said. "Then let's go to sleep." "But if I fall asleep that means those 5 hours that I spend on sleeping I won't be spending time with you." He smiled. "Fine we can watch Netflix in your bed." He said. I nodded my head. I got my pajamas and went into the bathroom. I took off my makeup and got changed. When I got out, Andy already had The Walking Dead on. "Hey! You were suppose to wait for me!" I said. "You took to long." I sighed and got into bed. We began to cuddle and I ended up falling asleep.
Sorry it too so long to update it's just school has kept me busy and I kinda had writers block... Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry if it's long. Oh also it would mean a lot to me if you could follow me on Instagram and Twitter.
Twitter: BekahAnneSixx
Instagram: __blxckveilbrides__

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