Chapter 8

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"I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST! LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS!" The pokemon theme song blasted through my speakers. I groaned. I look up at Andy and he's still sleeping. I get out of his arms without waking him up. I decided to wake him up at around 6:15. It was currently 5:30 and I went downstairs to wake up Saylen. Saylen was sprawled out on the couch without CC. He was on the floor. I shook Saylen. "Saylen we have to go to school today." I whispered. She groaned then went over to her bag to grab her clothes and brush. She then went into the bathroom. I went back upstairs and Andy was up. "Good morning sunshine!" He said to me. "Shut up." I said. I then went over to my closet to pick out my clothes. I grabbed an Asking Alexandria shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black zip up hoodie. I then walk into the bathroom. I then straighten my hair and put on mascara and eyeliner. I walk out and Andy had on a different shirt. "Where'd you get that?" I ask grabbing my bag and shoes. "I found it in Ashley's stuff." He said. I laughed. I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag. We both then walk downstairs. Saylen was in the kitchen looking for something to eat. "You gonna eat?" Andy asked. "Nah I'm not really hungry. I'll just wait for lunch." I said. He looked at me. "Andy don't worry. It's just to early for food." I said. He sighed then nodded his head. "I'm just worried about you Bekah." He said. "I know and I'm glad." I said. He smiled then kissed my cheek. I look in the living room and everyone is still passed out. "Bekah it's time to go." Saylen said before taking a bite out of her apple. Andy grabbed the keys and we walked out to his car. I got in the front and Saylen was in the back. Andy started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "So what are you guys gonna do without us there?" Saylen asked. "I don't know sleep maybe?" He said. "You can use my bed if you want." I said. "Thanks." I plugged in my headphones and put on The Death of Me by Asking Alexandria. When Andy pulled up at the school, my stomach began to churn. I saw Christina and Trent and Andy noticed my reaction. "Remember what I said Bekah. I'm just a call away." He said taking my hand. "Thank you Andy." I said kissing him goodbye. I get out of the car and I put in both of my headphones. Saylen did the same. I turn around and Andy wasn't there. I'm now on my own. "Oooo emo's got a boyfriend!" I heard Christina say. I just shook it off and kept listening to music. Feels Like Forever by Of Mice & Men came on and I forgot how much I loved this song. Me and Saylen said our goodbyes as we go off to our lockers. Unfortunately, me and Saylen have no classes together except band. She's on a totally different floor! She's on the top with the smart kids and I'm on the bottom floor with the dumb asses! I approach my locker and see the signs that greet me everyday at my locker. 'Emo Fag!' 'Go Kill Yourself!' 'Keep Slitting Your Wrists!'. I tear them off my locker and throw them to the floor. I open my locker, grab my books and close it. I started to walk to my first period, which was English, and Christina stopped me. She kept saying how fat I was and how ugly I was. She then pushed my books to the ground. She laughed and went away. I pick up my books and walk to my classroom. I walk in and I sat in my seat. I sat in the far back corner where I was barely noticeable. My teacher was just looking at her laptop doing something. Probably emails. "Ok class I'm gonna take attendance." She said. She was a nice teacher but she was to nice. It annoyed me. She went through the names and it came to me. "Bekah Silvers?" I raised my hand. She looked at me and smiled. She then looked back at her computer. When she was done, the morning announcements came on. "Good morning Bulldogs! Today is December 7, 2014 and it is an A Day." Today I had band. My favorite class. On A Days, I have Mr. Dell for 3 periods in a row! Study Hall, Lunch, and Band. Band is the last period of the day and I love it. I don't pay attention to the announcements and is began to doodle. I drew the BVB star and the Of Mice & Men logo. By the time English was over, it was time for Science. I pick up my books and walk out of the room and walk down the hall to the science class. We stood in front if the door waiting for the teacher to let her last period out. I look through the window and see that they were doing an experiment. We haven't done an experiment all year and I don't really know what's in store. The teacher comes out and the last class poured out. Wow there's a lot of them. She let's us in and I sit down at my table. My lab partner sits down next to me. He says hi but I just nod. "Ok class today we will be doing an experiment. For this one you will need to take off all of your jewelry and jackets and for girls, put up your hair." I froze. I can't take off my jacket. They will see my scars. What should I do?! "Ms. Silvers are you ok?" My teacher asked. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask. She nodded her head. I make sure my phone is in my pocket and I walk out of the lab. I go into the bathroom and I make sure no ones in there. I go into the last stall and lock it. I pull out my phone and text Andy.

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