Chapter 13

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"This is not what it is only baby scars, I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side." I sang as I hopped into the shower. Today I was seeing Andy and I was really excited. After I was done, I got out and changed into my blue ripped jeans with my Of Mice & Men shirt.

I grab my suitcase and drag it downstairs. I smile at the thought that I would be seeing Andy in less than 10 hours. As soon as I got downstairs, Katie was almost screaming of excitement. "Calm your tits Katie." Saylen said. "You girls ready to go?" My mom asked. I nodded my head and so did Saylen and Katie. "Let's go! Off to Neverland!" Saylen said skipping to the car. We then got into the car and headed off to the airport.

We got to the airport and it was time to say our final goodbyes. "Okay Bekah remember to do your schoolwork!" My mother said. I nodded my head. "I know mom." "Katie, don't get into any trouble. Same with you also Bekah." We nodded our heads. "Bye girls." She said hugging each of us. Even Saylen. We then walked off to our gates.

This would be my first plane ride and I'm a little nervous. I mean that one episode of Supernatural where the pilot becomes possessed could happen. I got in my seat and thankfully we all sat next to each other. I got the window seat and Saylen sat next to me. Katie sat on the end. We all texted the guys telling them we were on the plane and we shut off our phones. I then heard the flight attendant say "Buckle up. We are about to begin our flight."

My stomach began to churn as I buckled up. After the plane was in the air, I pulled out my iPod and put Three Days Grace on shuffle. The song Animal I Have Become came on. Then I drifted off into a smooth slumber.

*6 hours later*

I woke up to my earbuds being ripped out of my ears. "What?!" I ask. "We are landing in 15 minutes. I recommend getting your crap together." Saylen said excitedly.

I put all my stuff back into my bag and I then saw my camera. I took it out and began to vlog.
"Okay guys, we are just about to get off of our plane because we are going on tour with the band!" I said pointing the camera to all of us. "I'm really excited to see Andy!" I then hear the flight attendant say we are getting ready to land. I stopped the camera and buckled up.

We got off the plane and I pulled out my camera. "Hey um Bekah can I vlog?" Katie asked. I nodded my was. "Of course!" I handed her my camera. She then pressed record. She began to talk to the camera. That's when I saw him. Andy with his arms open and a smile on his face.

I dropped absolutely everything and ran to him. I jumped into his arms. "I've missed you and your hair is red!" He said. "I missed you to and yes it is!" I said. He put me down about 2 minutes later and I look back and Katie recorded the whole thing.

"ASHLEY!" I heard her yell. After our greeting, I never left Andy. He followed me to baggage claim and everywhere I went, he went. We all then traveled back to the bus.

"So how was your first flight?" Andy asked me. I shrugged. "It was okay I slept for all of it though." He smiled. "Good. I've missed you so much." "Same." He then kissed my cheek which caused me to blush. When we got to the bus, we put all of our luggage in the bottom of it and got inside.

"Hey guys!" Jake said. I smiled and waved. Jinxx then walked out of the back room. "Hellooo!" He said. Once again, I smiled and waved. "I guess I'll show you to the bunk." Andy said. I nodded my head. We then went into the back room. "We have to share if that's okay with you." He said. "It's fine." I said smiling. We then hugged.

"I know I've said this a million times already but I've really missed you!" He said. I smiled into his chest. "I've missed you to." We stay in our embrace until Jake came in.

"Hey guys do you want to go out for food?" He asked. "Sure." I said. "Where to?" Andy asked. "IHOP if that's okay with you guys." I nodded. "That's fine." I said.

"Let's go!" I heard CC say in the front lounge. We all walked out of the bus and we came across a person standing there. My eyes widened. THE Ronnie Radke is standing in front of me!

"Hey Ronnie!" Andy said. "Hey man. Who's this?" He asked pointing to me. "This is my girlfriend Bekah." I waved. "Well nice to meet you Bekah." He said. We then continued to IHOP.

When we entered, we were immediately approached by a woman. "How many in your party?" She asked. "11." Jinxx said. "Do you guys mind if you sit at different tables?" We shook our heads.

I ended up sitting with Andy, CC, Saylen, and Ronnie. I have to admit, I'm a little star struck with Ronnie. Just then the waiter came.

"Hello I'm Matt and I will be your server today." He said. He handed us our menus and I saw him eyeing me. I take it Andy saw because he put his arm around me. The waiter then walked away.

"Well then." I said. CC chuckled. "He didn't even ask for drinks." Ronnie said. "I guess he was just pissed that he couldn't have a piece of this." I said. The whole table bursted into laughter. "Was it really that funny?" I ask because I honestly didn't think it was that funny.
"Yes it was!" Saylen managed to say in between laughs. I just laughed while looking through my menu. To be honest I'm not that hungry. I nudged Andy.

"What's up?" He whispered. "I'm not really hungry." I said. He looked at me. "Andy I'm fine I'm just not that hungry." He nodded his head. "Do you want to go back to the bus?" I nodded.

"Hey guys we are gonna go back to the bus. We aren exactly wanting food at the moment." Andy said. "Okay hope you guys have some fun." Ronnie said doing that weird thing with his eyebrows. It then brought back memories. I squeezed Andy's hand.

"Dude lay off." Andy said seriously. We then walked out of the restaurant. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I guess Andy noticed. "Sorry about Ronnie back there he obviously didn't know." He said. "It's fine." I said. "So I haven't seen you in like a week. So what's been going on?" He asked. "Well you know. Same old crap I go through everyday." I say.

"Have they hurt you at all besides the other day?" He asked angrily. I shook my head. "Well emotionally but not physically." I said. "Bekah, I really wish I could get you away from there." "I know." When we got to the bus, it was dark. Andy turned on the lights.

"So do you want to watch a movie?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Sure. What movie?" I ask. "Whatever you want." "Do you have any horror movies?" I ask. He nodded his head. "We have The Blair Witch Project." "Oh I love that movie! Even though it's not scary!"

He popped in the movie and grabbed a blanket. We both then laid down on the couch and began to cuddle. By the middle of the movie my eyes began to close and I fell into a deep slumber on Andy's chest.

Omfg you guys I haven't updated in like forever! I'm so sorry for the long wait it's just, once again, school is keeping me busy. Well I think I'm gonna try to upload once a week but let's just hope I can keep my word. Well anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter! Oh and btw I changed my YouTube to Bekah Sixx. Okay gonna go write moreeeeee bye!

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