Chapter 6

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*4 hours later*

Andy's POV

She looks adorable when she's sleeping. I know it sounds kinda creepy but she really does. I look at the clock and it was 8:00. I decided to go back to sleep. I close my eyes then feel Bekah stirring in her sleep. I kiss her head and she woke up. She looked into my eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I say. She blushed. She's so cute when she blushes. "Good morning." She says. "Oh wait! I look horrible!" She says while covering her face. I take her hands away. "Your don't look horrible. You look pretty no matter what." I said. I then kiss her cheek. She then blushed again. I then heard something crash. We look over and see Ashley and Katie on the floor. It then woke everyone up. "You guys ok?" Bekah asked. "Ow. That hurt." Ashley said. They all then went back to sleep. I look at Bekah. "You wanna go to IHOP?" I ask. "Eh. Not really feeling any food." I look at her and pick her up and bring her upstairs. I go into her her room and plop her down on her bed. I then shut the door. "Bekah. I'm really worried about you. The only thing you ate yesterday was a chicken sandwich and now when I offer you to go to IHOP you don't want to. Bekah, please tell me that you aren't you know." I say. She looks at me then walks up to her full length mirror. "Look at me Andy! I'm as fat as a cow! I probably weigh like 100 pounds! I'm just not that perfect girl you want. You probably hate me now so you can just leave." She said crying. I got up and hugged her. "Bekah, you don't weigh 100 pounds. You are actually really light. And you are my perfect girl. I love you with all my heart." I said. She smiled. "Thank you Andy." "Anytime Beck." I then kissed her head. "I love you." She said. "Will you do me the honors you being my girlfriend?" I ask her. She smiles really big. "Of course!" She then kisses my cheek. We stay in our hug until Ashley came into the room. "Hey lovebirds you wanna go to IHOP?" He asked. I looked at Bekah. She nodded her head. "Ok guys let's go!" Ashley yelled downstairs. "Wait I have to get changed!" All the girls said. I left Bekah's room so she could get changed and went downstairs. I sat down next to Jinxx and Jake. After about 10 minutes Bekah came down. I went to her and gave her a hug. Then the rest of the girls came out. I took Bekah's hand and we walked out the door. We all walked because it wasn't that far. I held Bekah's hand the whole time. We stayed behind the group so we could talk privately. "I can't believe that you actually want to date me." She said. "Why? I mean your beautiful!" I said. She blushed. I kissed her temple and she began to blush madly. When we arrived, we all walked in. "How many in your party?" The lady asked. "Well, we have a pretty large group." Ashley said. "10." Katie said. "Do you guys mind if you sit at different tables?" She asked. We shook our heads. Me, Bekah, Ashley, and Katie were at one table while the rest of them sat somewhere. We were handed our menus and we began to look. "Hello I am Mandy and I will be your server today. Can I start you guys off with drinks?" I look at Bekah. "Um. Water." She said. "Water." Katie says. "Coffee." Ashley says. "Can I have some water?" I say. "Ok I will be back with your drinks." She said. "Hey do you guys just want to order the flapjack plate?" Ashley asked. "Sure." I say. We then put down our menus. "So when are you guys leaving?" Bekah asks. "Um I think Wednesday." Ashley says. She sighed. I put my arm around her. "It's ok. You guys can come visit." I said. Bekah's face lit up. "I forgot about that! Or maybe you guys can come for Christmas!" She said. I nodded my head. The waitress came back with our drinks and asked if wee were ready to order. "Can we get the flapjack plate?" Ashley asked. "Of course. Is that all?" She asked. We nodded our heads. She then left. About 20 minutes later she came with our food. I took 3, Ashley took 3, Katie took 2, and Bekah took 2. We happily ate and when we were done, we all left. "Where to now?" Saylen asked. "Um maybe the movies?" Katie said. "Yeah sure. To see what?" Jake asked. "Um. Maybe The Purdge?" Ashley suggested. "Sure. What about you Bekah?" I said. She nodded her head. "I'm in. But if I get scared and don't sleep tonight, I'm blaming it on you." She said. I chuckled. We all walked to the movies and I offered to pay for Bekah but she refused. We argued for about 2 minutes and I ended up paying. We all walked in and bought popcorn and drinks. Me and Bekah bought a medium popcorn with a large Mountain Dew. We walked into the large room and sat down. The movie started and Bekah took my hand. She put her head on my shoulder and watched the movie.


So today was the first day of school and I liked it and didn't. My teachers are cool but I'm not so sure about my math teacher. Also in math we had to do those 'Get To Know You' games and I had to say what I wanted to do in life and I said become a musician then everyone laughed. But in science class we did this really weird game and my question was 'Who is your role model and why?' I said "Andy Biersack because he tells his fans that it's ok to be different." People looked at me and didn't even know who I was talking about. Also I have none of my friends in any of my classes except for lunch and band. When I walked into the band room today I felt happy. But anyway, enough of my day. Baizzzz!

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