Chapter 23

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Ok, so partly laziness but also unsure of what to write has made me do a massive Time jump and it's been a year since the two of them were taken. Harper is 16 and Jasper is 6. Enjoy :p

Word count: 892

Loki's POV

After searching for Harper and Jasper for nearly a year now we all reluctantly agreed they were gone. I couldn't stop thinking that it was all my fault but every now and then Natasha would tell me that I wasn't responsible. She was being so nice to me and would often smile at me as long as nobody else was around. Clint gave me death stares and I felt that he wanted to kill me with no mercy. Everyone else kept there distance from everyone else. It was horrible thinking about all the terrible things that could be happening to them. Natasha and Clint haven't spoken since Harper and Jasper were taken and I don't think they ever will.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple which appeared to be rotting. I groaned and threw the apple at a window where it smashed and fell to the floor. I let out an angry groan and formed fists with my hands. I took a calming breath and sat down on a bar stool just wishing Harper and Jasper would walk through those elevator doors with a wide smirk on their face.

They did not. Instead Scott the Ant-Man walked in with excitement on his face, an emotion I had not seen for ages. "I might have found them!" He said and told J.A.R.V.I.S to assemble the other Avengers. Most of them were on missions or just not available at that moment.

Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Tony and Bucky entered the room. "What's this about?" Tony mumbled and sat on the lounge with the other Avengers. Tony had a glass on his hand that had an inch of scotch in it. They all looked tired and like they would rather be in bed then here but they needed to investigate every avenue.

"I think I found them!" Scott announced which made the Avengers look at each other both excited but confused.

"You found Harper and Jasper?' Steve asked as he walked into the room and sat down. Scott nodded.

"An old H.Y.D.R.A base has been found and it says that they have a young girl captive with a little boy. It also says she has under gone the same process as Bucky has. The boy has not under gone the mind control." Scott said and continued to explain himself and how he believed to have found them.

Harpers POV

They hurt us
They burnt us.
They punished us.
We were nothing.
We were nothing but a worthless kids.
H.Y.D.R.A saved us from them.
Even death hates us
That's why we are still here.
Death didn't take us when he should have.
Death is a basterd.
H.Y.D.R.A must win.
S.H.I.E.L.D must fall
S.H.I.ELD are a virus and H.Y.D.R.A is the cure.
The Avengers must Die.

Loki's POV

Everything was ready to go. The Avengers were in their gear and we're ready to board the jet to fly to the base. They told me to stay behind and 'look after the tower'. I sighed in relief just thinking that they had a chance to could find them both. I went to my room and found a good book to read hoping it would distract me for a while. I started reading but I couldn't focus because the sense of wrongness was still there. 

I missed Harper with a pain I didn't understand. It felt like something was missing from my life and something was definitely wrong. "I miss Harper," I said and felt a tear form in my eye. I sniffled and began reading as an attempt to distract myself from the new feelings. 

Harpers POV
Time jump

My screaming stopped as the H.Y.D.R.A agents stopped the machine. I took a few sharp breaths before they turned it back on and onto a higher setting making my mind and body wish for death but it never came.

The agents than one at a time started leaving the room after being told something in their ear pieces. Everything is such a blur during the fight but eventually, a strong man with blond hair and sky blue eyes stepped into the room. The Doctor who ran the machine started running but the blond man threw his shield and it hit the Doctors head. It knocked him out cold. The blond man turned off both machines and went to help Jasper. He wouldn't hurt Jasper and get away with it. He gave Jasper to an agent who then took him out of the room.

I kept thrashing about trying to get Jasper back from the Sheild person. A stranger holding my friend. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill all of them for touching him! GIVE HIM BACK!

Saving Jasper was the only think in my mind from the moment I saw him being taken. Other Avengers soon come into the room all trying to figure out how to get me out. Bucky opened the cage letting me out which was a big mistake. "YOU AVENGERS MUST DIE!"  I screamed and ran over to them. First was the man in iron.

Published: 18th February 2021

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