Chapter 52

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Word count: 1130

Harpers POV


Not Loki.

Anyone but Loki

Why him.

This isn't fair.


Loki's lifeless body from my old nightmares appeared in front of my face and I screamed like a dagger was plunged through my heart. That's what it felt like.

Thor's POV

Harper had been asleep for a few hours now which was good. She needed to regain her energy for the trip back to Midgard. I started walking back to my room to fetch Harper when I was sent flying by a cloud of pure engery the colour of blood.

I groaned, got up and started sprinting to the medical wing room. Only Harper had that kind of power and I knew she would need help after. I burst into the room to see Harper on the bed and not moving. She lay completely still and I believed her dead.

I ran over to her and shook her awake quite forcefully but gently so I didn't hurt her any more than she already was. She woke up with a scream and punched my throat. I gasped for a moment but soon regained my breath to calm her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She said and cried softly. "This is ridiculous. Loki can't be dead, can he?" She asked and looked at me. She looked so sad and lonely: all hope and love gone from her young eyes.

"My mother believes him to have passed away," I said. We had all agreed it would be better for Harper not to know about what my mother was trying to do. It's wouldn't help the situation in any way.

"Take me home?" Harper asked and I nodded. "I want to be with my parents." She said and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'll take you back to Midgard soon," I said and I felt Harper go limp against me. I knew her powers drained her energy but something about how she fell asleep told me she didn't want to be asleep. She was reluctant to sleep and I understood why.

I picked her up slightly and moved her to lay down on the bed. When she woke up we would return to Midgard. It would be better for Harper to go home as soon as possible: to be with her parents. "I was meant to be his princess," she said softly before sacumming to sleep completely.

I tucked her in then left the room to let her rest. I went to my mother's room and knocked on the door. My father opened it and he looked sadder then I had ever seen him.

"Are you alright Father?" I asked him and he shook his head. I went into the room and once the door was closed he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and tried to pretend that it wasn't unknown to me. Odin had never hugged me before. "I hope mother can help Loki," I said and Odin nodded. 

"She should be able too but Harper can never find out. It would upset her too much." Odin said and I reluctantly agreed with him. If Harper found out that my mother could save Loki she would be thrilled. She wouldn't be so happy about how my mother had to do it and what the new Loki would be like. 

Harper's POV

Loki's body lay in front of me and I cried silently into my hands. Blood from his wound was all over the floor and my hands. I tried to stop his bleeding but no matter what I did I couldn't get it to stop. My knees started to get wet from Loki's blood which was pooling around his dead body. Any life that was in his body died and left his face and he began whiter than snow. 

Someone had murdered my Loki and I couldn't take it. I screamed as I woke up and my dream faded away from it all. The only thing that remained was Loki's face that was carved with pain. "LOKI!" I screamed and climbed out of the bed. I ran to the window and tried to get fresh air into my tight lungs. I sobbed loudly and wished the world would open up and swallow me whole. 

Thor burst into the room and he ran over to me. "What's wrong dear harper?" He said and took me by my shoulders. I turned around and sobbed into his shirt as he held me. 

"I...I...It's not fair. Why did they take Loki and not me? I should have been the one to die!" I asked/said and looked up at him but he had no answer. Thor looked unsure and slightly worried. I knew he thought I was a danger to myself, and I was, but he had no idea of the extent. 

"Harper, I...I uh." That was all he said before being at a loss for words. He looked at me with a horrifyingly unsure face. I pulled away from him and started to run down the halls of the castle. I had a vague idea of where I was going. I wanted to go to Loki's room. 

The whole time I'm running, I'm ignoring the pain that was building up inside me. It was getting hard to ignore but my determination to get to Loki's room was over powering it.

I burst through his door but saw nobody. I crumbled on the floor and cried. My tears soaked into Loki's carpet and made little wet spots. "Loki," I whimpered and looked around the room with my blurry eyes. I saw my sun bear, Sol, sitting on the edge of the bed along with a small white box. I ran over to it and opened the box. Inside was a note and a ring. The ring was a small snake that twirled around in a circle shape. It was silver and it glinted in the sunshine. The note read: 

Dear Harper, 

I know this is unsavoury to think about but please read on. If you have my ring it means I have passed away, or so everyone believes, and I won't be coming back for a long time if at all. This ring is a promise ring. It is so you know that I will be with you forever and always. You will be alright without me and I'm sure you will learn to be happy again. Please don't be upset, I'll come back one day. 

I love you,

Loki (Lokitty)

I held the note close to my chest and sobbed. No loki, you aren't gone. You'll come back! I know you will. You have to. I thought to myself and I hoped I would get an answer. None came.

Published: 7 May 2021

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