Chapter 35

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Word count: 1581

Harper's POV

"Loki you better let me go," I growled at him but he didn't respond. Instead, he used his magic to bring me up higher in midair so I really couldn't fight anymore. I struggled against his magic and tried to get down from my position about eight feet high. Luckily I wasn't scared of heights because I was slowly going higher and higher. "You asked for it," I said and finally managed to use my magic to knock loki onto the floor thus releasing us from his magic hold. I fell to the floor and landed on my feet but then tumbled forward onto my hands and knees. 

Lorelei walked over to us with a wide slightly creepy smile on her face. "You boys are very handsome," She said. My mum and I looked confused but the men seemed to straighten their postures as if every word she said was golden. "Join me," She said rather forcefully and they started walking towards her. Their eyes glazed over and they looked like they were being controlled.

I could tell Thor and Steve were trying to fight whatever magic was being used but they couldn't. "Father!" I yelled and grabbed Clint's arm and tried to drag him back over to me but I was no match for the magic Lorelei was using. The magic was strong and forceful over them all and I wondered why it wasn't affecting me or my mother. We were fine, well besides now the fact that all of them were trying to kill me and Nat. 

"Your gonna pay for that!" I said with a growl and ran over to her. How dare she takes Loki! How dare she takes my family! How dare she takes my Father! I screamed in my head. I didn't realize I cared so much for them all until they were being taken from me. That's how it goes though, you don't miss what you have. 

I ducked under Thor's attack, dodged Steve's shield and caught Clint's arrow. I screamed at Tony and my magic came from my hands to knock him over. I got to Lorelei and picked her up with my magic. I could hear my mother fighting the boys and I decided to help her. I held Lorelei from the ground and fought Steve.

I punch Steve's jaw than his throat. I stole one of Clint's arrows and plunged it into Steve's chest. I got on Steve's shoulders and flipped him over. As his head hit the floor his glazed over eyes changed to their normal blue colour. I was rather surprised at how easy it was to take him down but I wasn't going to question it. 

"What's going on?" He asked as I pointed to Lorelei who was now back on the ground with the help of a mind-controlled Loki. 

"She is controlling the boys," I said and started fighting Thor who swung Mjolnir at my head. Steve went to fight Tony, my mum was fighting my dad and I was fighting Thor. I had no idea were Bruce was but I was glad the Hulk wasn't being mind-controlled because that would be impossible and earth destroying. The hulk would be the worse thing to happen right now. 

Loki helped Lorelei from my magic and they started to leave to get more people. I growled and used my magic to fling Thor against the next-door building and he hit his head. I held him against the wall until his eyes went back to normal and he looked at the situation we were in. "Get HER!" I yelled but I was interrupted by the roar of the Hulk. "Shit," I growled and looked to Thor. "You've beaten him before, Beat him again!" I said and he nodded but he looked very unsure.

I looked and saw my mum knock my father over and his head hit the floor. His eyes unglazed and he sat up. "What is going on!" He asked but nobody answered him. We were all to busy trying not do die.

I ran over to Steve and he knew what to do. I jumped onto his shield and he pushed gave me a boost upwards. I smiled as I stabbed the wall with a dagger and started to climb my way up the next-door building wall. I reached the top and saw Lorelei standing with Loki standing in front of her.

I felt like I was on the final boss level of a video game. "Loki, get out of my way," I said and glared at him. "You better fucking move!" I growled and summed small balls of fire in my hands. I threw one at Loki and it hit his shoulder. I knew full well that he was ice and I was fire and that we would both badly hurt each other, maybe kill each other. He yelped at the flames that burned his skin. 

I felt bad for hurting him but I had no other options. I threw more fire at him and it hit his chest. He groaned then growled and started forming ice around my body. I felt like I was freezing from the inside and it hurt. I used my magic to form fire leading from me to Loki's feet and his shoes started to burn. I took a deep calming breath, then let the power inside me free. A dark red cloud engulfed me and Loki and he started to struggle to see. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand to flip him onto his back. He groaned as he slammed into the ground but his eyes didn't change. "Aww come on Loki. I don't want to have to hurt you." I said and he scoffed. 

"You couldn't hurt me if you tried." He said and I glared at him. "You are just a useless, stupid child who wasn't even wanted by her parents." He said with a chuckle. His words broke my defences and I felt tears form in my eyes. "At least I was adopted after my parents left me." He said and I growled. "You are nothing but an unwanted teenager." He added with a tone of victory. He knew he was getting under my skin and I wouldn't allow that.  

I felt my fire burn its way out and I let it take over both my mind and my body. "Oh, you are fucked now Loki!" Someone said as I started glowing a vivid red and burned like the sun. I growled like a wolf at its prey. 

"You have no idea how long I've held this beast back." I said in a whisper. "It'll feel so good to let it ran free."  I undo the mental chains of my powers and let it rage. The control over my mind and body is gone and I feel like I'm trapped inside my own mind. My body uses magic to bring Loki closer to me. Loki struggled against my magic but he could not escape. I lifted us both high above the city to a point where the air was thin. I let him drop from the air and he whizzed past the side of the building. I watched as his body bolted towards the city below. But before he could slam into the ground I brought him the whole way back up to me. He was shaking.

 Inside I was scared of myself and scared of what I would do to Loki. I didn't want him to die and I didn't want others to get hurt but believe me when I say, part of me was happy to see him scared. I don't know why but part of me liked to see him frightened. 

I used my magic to stop his attempt at freezing me in ice. I flung him to the building roof then landed next to him.   He doubled over and groaned softly. I forced his nose and jaw into my knee and he spat blood out of his mouth.

"Harper..." Loki whined and fell onto the floor.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Thor giving me a warning look. I felt like Thor was telling me to stop hurting Loki but I wasn't sure. I growled and went over to Loki. He looked up at me and I saw his eyes were back to normal. "What's going on?" He asked and I growled. I kicked him once more, but not as hard, on his stomach and he yelped. 

"Well, you are quite a good hero aren't you little fighter," Lorelei said and when I saw her I just wanted to rip her head from her body. I only had to move my finger to beat her. I flicked a finger and she was flung against a wall and knocked out. I hadn't quite released how strong I was until I had done that. 

I turned to face the others and saw them all looking a mix of shocked and scared. Tony and Steve were supporting each other to stand. My father was watching as my mum helped Bruce to stand up in his very ripped pants. Thor was sitting next to Loki who was now propped up on his elbows. "Sorry guys," I mumbled and felt myself fall to the floor with a small thud.

Published: 3rd April 2021

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