Chapter 2

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Some bits may seem gross to you and if that's the case, I apologize. Enjoy

Word Count: 1022

Harper's POV

After what seemed like many bumpy, and tedious, hours of driving the car finally stopped. I heard the heavy footsteps of the man who kidnapped me as he came to the boot. He opened it and grabbed me by the waist then threw me over his shoulder.

I cried softly as he carried me towards a big black building that had dark tinted windows. Something was creepy about the building and I felt very scared. Apart of me wanted to know what they were going to do but a part of me didn't want to know. They hurt my dad, what are they going to do to me?  I thought and let a few tears fall down my face.

"Welcome to your new home." He said and walked into the building with no hesitation. He passed a few people who smiled wickedly at us. They clearly thought he was doing a great job at kidnapping me, which I guess he was. I looked at the ground and cried some more wishing for my dad to come back and help me but I knew that wouldn't happen. I saw him die because of this man who now carried me down some steps.

He opened a metal rusting door and walked to the back of the room. It looked like a boiler room and was extremely hot and humid. "Welcome to HYDRA. This is the boiler room and you will be here until you die." He chained me to the wall with my hands and feet. He let out a horrible laugh that echoed through the boiler room. I knew the name of the place now but that wouldn't do me much good. HYDRA killed my dad and there was nothing I could do about it.

Time Jump A Few Hours

Every hour or so someone would come down and beat the hell out of me with the weapon of their choice. One massive man came in with a whip and beat me with it for almost two hours straight. I fainted after that and woke up with a chain around my neck now. I could barely breathe properly and gasped for air which awoke the person next to me. It was a small boy who was missing his left eye but as it was left untreated it was horribly infected.

I struggled against the chains and was making a lot of noise which made a few men come into the room. They laughed at me and one even threw a knife and it landed in my upper arm. I screamed as I hit me but that just made them laugh even more. They enjoyed watching me scream in agony which I knew was a sick thing to enjoy.

"Look at them both. Little Harper and Little Fletcher." They said and the man who threw the knife collected it from my arm but he wiggled it a little making the cut deeper and wider. They left and I tried to stop the tears from streaming down my face but to no avail.

"Your name is Harper?" The boy asked and I nodded. I wasn't sure what to say as we were both trapped down here with no hope of escape.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him and he shrugged. I tilted my head to the side. I didn't understand how he didn't know. 

"They used this thing on me and I only remember that and them doing these." He said pointing to his eye but I noticed something horribly wrong. He didn't have all his fingers or toes. They had cut them from him too and left him to die in the boiler room. I felt sick and gagged at the sight of the boy. "Don't get on their bad side." Was all he managed before an older and terrifying man walked in. He had a normal expression which made the whole situation worse because he was so calm about it all.

He shook his head at the boy. "You know better than to talk to the new children." The man said before grabbed the boy and basically flicked him to the other side of the room. I heard a few cracks as the boy landed and I guessed he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. The only indication that he was still alive was the small groan that came from his limp body. "It's your turn kid." The man said and grabbed me by the hair causing me to cry out. He unlocked the chains then proceeded to drag me from the room and down the halls.

The halls were a grey-white but it was clear many people had been dragged down here before me. Smudged handprints of blood were on the walls about knee high for the man. I cried and felt like throwing up the contents of my stomach. It smelt like a few people already had too. 

He continued to drag me via my hair even though I protested as much as I could. I was kicking and screaming but that didn't seem to faze the man. Tears streamed down my face and my throat was already sore from yelling and screaming. I just wanted my father back. If he could, he will save me, right?  I asked myself but I had put negative thoughts in my mind and it wasn't going away. Even if he did survive how would he find me? He didn't seem very interested in helping me before when the kidnapper took me. 

I was pulled from my thoughts as we arrived at a huge room that had one thing in it: A chair that was surrounded by glass that was placed in the center of the room. He strapped me into it and contracted things to my head. He waved at some people in white coats who were also behind loads of protective glass. They waited till I was the only one left in the room then turned on the machine.

Published: 6th December 2020

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