Chapter 3

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Sorry, this is kinda short and not my best chapter. Enjoy

Word count: 860

Harper's POV

The people on the other side of the glass didn't do much. They just watched me and were writing things down. What are they doing? What are they going to do to me? Are they going to kill me? They turned on a switch and I began to feel a small headache coming. They saw that I didn't react to it and turned a lever which made my headache worst. They wrote down my reaction to every turn of a lever or flick of a switch. After a few turns of the lever, I was thrashing about in the chair as it felt like my head was being crushed into dust. I screamed and felt like my eyes were as hot as fire. My body shook and all I could think about the pain that was coursing through my body. The main thing in my mind was the image of my father bleeding out on the floor of his bedroom. How could they? Why would they? How dare they! I thought to myself and felt the pain get worse which caused me to faint. 

Time Jump 

I woke up strapped up to the wall once again but the chains were tighter and higher up. I felt the cold metal dig into my already bruised flesh. The boy from before, who I believed was called Fletcher, was now lying motionless a few meters away from where I was chained. His chest was no longer rising and falling but instead, he seemed not to be breathing at all. I would have hung my head in respect for him if my head was not being held up by a tight chain around my neck. I let a few tears fall down my face as everything set in. They killed him and they will kill me. I am dead just like the boy Fletcher who is on the floor beside me. I cried for my father, I cried for the boy, I cried for the possibility that I would be in the same boat soon. 

I had never felt so scared in my life and for the first time in my small life, I feared death. The feeling was new and frightening and I hated it.

My dad had always been there to protect me from harm. He kept me safe and comfortable. He would read me stories at night to help me sleep. That would never happen again. He was gone.

I sat in tears and I felt the world begin to spin uncontrollably. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be safe. Most importantly I wanted my dad but that wasn't going to happen. I pulled at the chains trying to escape but it wasn't working. The chains just dug deeper into my flesh and sent another wave of pain through my body. I was stuck in this hell hole with no way out. I tried to think about how to escape but I soon lost faith in that plan. I wanted to go home to my dad, the old lady, the family, and the teen neighbours we had. I wanted to go back home to the world I used to know and love. 

Tony's POV

Back in Black by ACDC filled the lab as I made adjustments to my suit. After my last battle, it needed some upgrades. "Tony?" Here she comes. "Tony, could you turn the music down?" She asked me but it was more of a command than a question. I hadn't realized I had it on full blast while working. Okay, so I had realized and just didn't care to turn it down. 

"J.A.R.V.I.S," I called out and the music became quieter just like Pepper had asked. "What's up?" I asked and watched Dum-E to make sure he didn't make a mess.

"Director Fury is here to talk to you." She said and handed me a clipboard. It was full of the details about the newest HYDRA attack. It said that they had attempted to kill the father of a little girl who they then took captive. The father was getting the medical attention he desperately needed. The name of the father was blanked out and I thought that was a bit suspicious but I let it go. She was four and had already gone threw a very traumatic experience. 

Pepper let the lab and I kept reading. I called the other Avengers but nobody knew where this HYDRA group was or could be. Nat seemed a bit over worried about the girl and Clint said he couldn't make it to the meeting as he was injured from a mission. Bit weird but we didn't question it. When Clint gets hurt he normally just ignores it so it must have been every bad injury. We all agreed that finding the HYDRA base was our main goal. HYDRA probably had lots of people in their base and we could save them all. Sadly we had no idea how long it would take to find the base as HYDRA had upgraded their safety and it took us a while to find them. 

Published: 7th December 2020

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