Chapter 39

410 13 7

Word count: 1040

Loki's POV

Did Harper really feel so bad? She did scare me and nearly kill me but she wasn't in control. I should understand that the most. Maybe I should tell her I forgive her? I do forgive her. I don't want her to feel so bad anymore. I want her to be happy.

I had just seen the worst thing ever and it broke my heart. Harper was dreaming of when she hurt me and she couldn't stop. Her dreams were making her cry, panic and even wake up in a cold sweat of fear. I felt horrible for causing her such pain.

I decided to go talk to her even though it was about 3 am. I teleported to her room where she had been moved after last nights dream. Her father had wanted her to feel safer and comfortable so they had moved her there in the hope that she would feel better. I knocked on her door but got no response as expected. I teleported into her room and slowly made my way over to her bed. 

I saw a figure tossing and turning under the sheets of the bed and she was making small, panicky 'no's. She was dreaming again and it was another about me. Being as quiet as I could I stepped over to her bed and sat on the edge. Just as I sat down she woke and let out a high pitched scream for her father and glistening tears streamed down her face. She saw me and screamed again and curled into a ball against the bedhead. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She said as she hid her face in her knees. 

I pulled Harper closer to be and gave her the nicest hug I could. I was on auto-pilot as I rubbed her back and whispered soothing words into her ear. She calmed a little but she still cried and gasped for air. I let her go and climbed off of her bed because I could hear Clint coming down the hall. I gave her a small smile but she didn't see as her head was still buried in her knees. I teleported into my room just as her door opened and Clint entered. 

Harper's POV

I had once again had the horrible dream of me murdering Loki. I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to sleep peacefully. I want my father to take the horrible dreams away. This isn't fair. I didn't mean to hurt Loki so bad or scare him so much. I lost control. I don't want to be here anymore! I thought in my head as two arms wrapped around me. I was too scared to think of who it was but they felt nice. Their cold arms wrapped around my body, their soft voice telling me everything was okay. I wanted to ask who it was but I couldn't. 

Those cold, calm arms unwrapped and soon two arms, I knew as my fathers, wrapped around me. He held me tight and as close to his warm body as he could. I tried not to scream again as my dream flashed before my eyes but it was hard. I yelled as I saw Loki's lifeless body in front of me. "Dad!" I yelled but I knew he was there. I was begging him to help me: to stop the nightmares. 

"Harp, it's okay. I'm here and your mothers coming. Nothing bad has happened." He said but I still felt like everything was crashing down. Nothing was good anymore.

"I can't do this anymore!" I yell and push myself free of the hug my dad has me trapped in. I got out of the hug and ran out of my room and down the hall. I sprinted past everyone and out of the tower. The need for fresh air was becoming to great and I felt like I was choking.

I fell on my hands and knees onto the grass outside the tower. I took deep heavy breaths trying to get air into my lungs. I hadn't felt like this for years and I hated it. A hand touched the small of my back but it didn't feel like my father.

It was cold, had longer fingers and was more bony. I cried and my breathing finally start to normalise. "I can't do this, I can't do this anymore!" I said and sat, kneeling on the floor.

"Harper, it's alright. I'm alive, your alive, Your family is alive." A beautiful British voice said and I knew Loki was comforting me. "Harper. I forgive you." He said and I gasped. I looked at him and he said it again. "I forgive you and I understand." He said and I basically jump into his arms. I cling onto him and sobbed into his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Loki, I didn't mean to hurt you so badly. I lost control and when I saw how scared you were I wanted to take it all back!" I said into him but it was muffled.

"It's alright Harper," he said and rubbed my back. I knew him doing this wouldn't stop the nightmares but it would make it better. I knew I'd still have nightmares but maybe they wouldn't be as bad know that I knew Loki had forgiven me.

"I'm so sorry," I said once more before I felt his arms hold me as tight as he could. He rocked back and forth slightly as we sat on the damp grass.

I knew a crowd would be forming around us and that my dad would be there soon but I didn't care. I just wanted to be in Loki's arms. "Harper! Harper!" My dad yelled and he came towards us. I saw my dad and he knelt next to us. "What's going on?" He asked and I moved to face him.

"Loki forgave me. Loki has forgiven me." I said and smiled. Once I was breathing properly and we were ready, we all went back inside to get warm and cosy. We didn't notice all the news paper people taking photos of us as we went.

Published: 8th April 2021

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