Chapter 15

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I'm doing loads of chapter ahead and yet they still are... Strange. Anyway, enjoy.
Word count: 1327

Harpers POV

I wiped my eyes and tucked my necklace back under my shirt. I walked back the way I had come and straight past the Avengers who all questioned where I was going. I didn't answer and stepped into the elevator. I stood in silence as I travelled up and to the bedroom floor. I ran to my bedroom and started packing. 

I put on my old clothes and shoved my old phone into a bag of mine. I then threw the things S.H.I.E.L.D had given me onto the desk. I took one last look at the beautiful view then left my room in complete disarray.

Clint stood at the elevator and smiled when he saw me. I already knew he would try to be like a father even though he didn't fully know he had to. I fake smiled back at him hoping it would get him away from me. 

I got in the elevator and Clint followed. I hoped he was just going down a few floors and wasn't going to follow me but I was wrong.

I got out of the elevator and so did Clint. "You truly don't have to come with me," I said and walked out of the building. He just smiled and stayed next to me. "Fine. But I'm not talking to you." I snapped and pulled out my phone and headphones. I put on some music to block out the world around me.

People around us gasped and took photos because Clint was near me. A foster girl and an Avenger. They just had to talk because that what humans do. I groaned and continued to hurry along. When I was little I would run away from the foster home and go to one of the many new York parks but I would always go back. I signed at the memories of it but luckily it meant I knew my way home from anywhere in the city. 

I started humming along to the song as I turned into an alleyway. Forgetting Clint was there, I started singing. He heard. "You have a very nice voice." He said and smiled. I mumbled 'uh Thanks' and continued on my way back home but with no singing.

Time Jump

I signed and knocked on the door of the foster home. A worried-looking lady opened the door and hugged me before she spoke. "Oh, Harper. He won't go to bed. He won't eat or drink. He hasn't stop fretting since you left." She muttered and ushered me and Clint inside.

I wondered where Terry was as he normally answered the door and not the lady we knew as our nurse.

"What do you mean?" I said knowing exactly who she was talking about. I dumped my bags onto the floor and sprinted up the steps to his room. "Jasper?" I asked and entered his room. I saw Terry trying to comfort Jasper but to no avail. Terry left the room to give me and Jasper space. Before Terry left he gave me a loving kiss on the top my head.

Soft sobs came from under the blankets as he lay face down on the pillow. "Harp?" He questioned and uncovered his head. I smiled and nodded fighting the tears that formed when I saw him this way. Dark red rings covered his eyes from his crying. His nose was pink but his cheeks were as white as snow. "Harper!" He yelled and climbed out of his bed. I smiled and kneeled hugging him as he ran into me.

"Hey, Jasper. What happened?" I inquired and he smiled weakly.

"Nightmare. You are gone. Worried. Don't go." Was what he managed to say. I signed and picked him up and carried him to his bed.

I looked him in the eye and said, "Jasper you're ok. I won't go away again."

"Promise?" He asked and gave me a sad look. I couldn't say no to him.

"I promise."

Time Jump

Third Person POV

Harper walked out of Jaspers room with a sad smile on her face. "Is he alright?" Asked the nurse and Harper nodded. She was tired and wanted to rest. Without thinking, she went to her room and slumped onto the bed.

"Who was he?" Clint asked her making her jump. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He added and spun around on the desk chair like a little kid.

"That's Jasper. He first arrived 3 or so years ago. He was abounded by his parents as a baby and I refused to let him out of my sight and we bonded." Harper explained seeing the confusion on Clint's face. "He's like a brother to me." She added and fell back onto the bed.

"And he only listens to you?" Clint questioned sitting and watching Harper.

"Kind of yeah. He has terrible nightmares and apperently only I can calm him." She answered and sighed. "What are you doing here Clint?" She asked him and sat up to face him. He stammered something but she interrupted. "Surely there is somewhere else you need to be. The truth. Why are you here?" She repeated.

He sighed and spoke up. "I just wanted to see where a smart and witty kid like you grew up, that's all." He replied and stood up. "You coming home?" He asked her. She shook her head. Harper knew there was more to it than that.

"This is my home."

After lots of convincing Harper sighed and picked up her bag. "Fine but Jasper comes too." She half started asked. Clint nodded just glad he was getting Harper home.

"I have asked Nick and he said okay," Clint said happily that he had managed to make a deal with Harper.

"I'll go get him." Harper nearly squealed and she went to Jasper's room. "Jasper. Guess what...You get to come with me." She exclaimed and Jasper jumped up of the floor where he was playing with blocks instead of sleeping.

"Really!" He asked and Harper nodded. "Yay! Will you help me pack?" He asked her and she nodded again.

"Of course I will." She said and started helping him pack.

Clint watched this unfold from afar and smiled. She's so kind to him yet so mean to us. He thought to himself and smiled even bigger.

Once they were all packed and had said goodbye the three of them left to start the journey back to the tower.

Harpers POV

I couldn't stop smiling. I would have to eventually but for now, I wouldn't. "You excited?" I asked Jasper and he nodded. I carried him in my arms with my backpack on my back. Clint held Jasper's and my suitcase which weren't very heavy or big.

While walking back to the tower we just making casual conversation. We finally arrived back at the Avengers tower. Jasper gasped softly and wiggled. I put him on the floor and held his hand so that he wouldn't run away. "It's pretty." He said and smiled. The three of us walked into the tower and got J.A.R.V.I.S to announce our arrival. Jasper didn't like J.A.R.V.I.S every much and jumped up when he heard him.

We stepped out of the elevator and saw the Avengers sitting in the main room just talking. "Hey guys," I called out and they all turned to look at me. Jasper squealed and hid behind my leg. I picked him up and introduced him. "This is Jasper. A condition for my stay is that he stays here with me. You upset him you deal with me. Understood." I said. It wasn't a question. They all nodded with murmurs of agreement.

I then sat down with them and we all chatted about random stuff. Nobody mentioned the fact that I had carried in a four-year-old into the dangerous Avengers tower.

Published: 8th February 2021

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