Chapter 71

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Hey guys, so I'm really enjoying writing this book bit as I want to do a massive time jump, like a few years, I was thinking I should start a new book for that. Harper is an adult and she could be in a relationship with Alora if you guys like that idea. If not let me know and who knows what will happen. (The first like 8 chapters are already written so any of your suggestions will take a while to show up,)

The Sequel to this book is called 'The Familiar Avenger'. In a week or so the first Chapter will be up. It takes place years in the future and Alora and Harper are still together. When she finds out something she never believed possible, everything flips. Read to the end.


Word count: 1346
Harpers POV

Turns out Alora and Jasper are siblings. After much convincing, they both had a blood test and a background check and Jarvis confirmed it. It also helped when Alora ran straight over to Jasper and hugged him with all her might. He must still look like he did when he was a baby to her. To me, he had changed but he was still that sweet little boy who clung to me when he was scared.

Obviously, Jasper was confused at first but he seemed to like the idea of having two sisters. Me and Alora.

"Is Alora staying with us?" Jasper asked and Tony nodded. I smiled at the idea of Alora staying with us for a while, maybe even forever.

"If she wants to," Tony said and both Jasper and I looked at Alora, hoping she'd stay. I had a really deep want for her to stay so I could see her every day. It was weird but I secretly enjoyed the feeling. 

"If it's not a bother to you guys." She said and we all told her we would be happy for her to stay. It would be nice having her around. "I'm still going to my school though." She said and the others nodded.

"Alora, could you show us your powers?" Bruce asked and Alora nodded softly.

"If I must." She answered reluctantly and we all walked to the training room. Alora stood in the middle and took a deep breath. "First is my limited telekinesis," she said then moved a rack of swords across the room carefully. "I can control small and lightweight objects."

"Like a stapler," Tony said which confused me but the others seemed to understand.

"Like a stapler," Alora repeated with a really sweet and mischievous smile. She then prepared to show us her next power. "This is a weird one, My probability Manipulation. Basically, if I need my attacker to be inconvenienced in any way, then they will be. One of you come at me and attack." She said and my mum stepped forward. I was worried at first but I knew my mother wouldn't fatally harm anyone who didn't deserve it. Nat grabbed her gun from her side holster and fired at Alora but nothing happened. No bullet hit Alora and the gun just clicked when my mum pulled the trigger.

"Missed?" Asked Steve and I shook my head. He knows the sound of an empty gun, besides My mother almost never missed and she would never miss an easy target.

"Not missed. Empty," Alora replied and Nat nodded and checked the gun. She chucked the gun towards us as we all had a look too.

"I must have forgotten to check it this morning. I never forget." She said and Alora smiled. The gun came to me and I looked. There were no bullets in it and I smiled brightly. Alora, your powers are epic! My mum isn't happy about her gun being empty but I am. That was cool.

"See, It's like I knew this would happen and somehow you forgot to check your gun this morning even though you never forget," Alora said and I smiled. I liked it. I liked her smile. "I can also shapeshift." She said and she sighed. "This hurts so be careful of animal me." She said then within a second there was a wolf standing in front of us. It had a blue tinge to its fur and strips of cloth hanging over its body.

We admired the animal before Alora appeared again but she only had a pair of ripped pants and a ripped shirt on. "This happens every time." She mumbled as she looked down. Luckily her clothes still covered what Alora wanted to be covered.

I chucked her my jacket and she put it on. "Those are pretty cool powers," I said and she smiled brightly. 

"Thanks but what about yours. I know you have powers too." She said and I chuckled. I closed my eyes and let my power free slightly. I struggled to keep it at bay but I let it go just enough to show Alora my power and not enough to endanger anyone.

I opened my eyes and everyone was smiling. "Your learning to control it a lot better," Clint said and I nodded, slightly out of breath. 

"Slowly," I replied and managed to dim the fire pain that was always in my veins. Over the years I had learnt how to stop my powers from surging. Now I was learning how to control my powers.

One by one we left the training room and went our separate ways for the day. My mum went to put bullets in her gun.

"Alora wanna come to my room? We could watch movies and stuff." I suggested and Alora smiled.

"That sounds really nice and peaceful." She said. It sounded like she just wanted a rest and I knew how to relax.

I let Alora pick the movie and she chose 'Hotel Transylvania'. I smiled at her pick as I liked it too. Yes, it was more of a little kids movie but it was still fun to watch. I still watched lots of kids movies like this. Toy story was Jasper's and my favourite even though I wasn't a fan of the creepy puppets in Toy Story 4. Watching animated movies gave me a sense of childlike happiness that was often lost on teenagers.

We sat together on my lounge and Alora rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on the top of hers and we Sat together and watched the movie. "Do you think 'Zing' is real?" Alora asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know but it would be nice to know who you end up with when you first see them," I said and she smiled in response. I hope that you could zing multiple times in your life because I think I am. 

Loki's POV

I woke up yet again in a cold, clammy, sweat and I yelled rather loudly. Nightmares were invading my sleep every night and I was sick of it. It was always this one girl who kept dying in front of me. This girl would call out my name begging for help and, when I found her, a sword was plunged through her torso and she was in a pool of crimson blood. I could never get to her in time to help her. I had no idea who this girl was but clearly, she meant a lot to me at some point in my long and crazy life.

My mother walked into the room and sat next to me. "Again?" She asked and I nodded softly then wiped my face with my hands.

"Why does this happen every night. I'm so tired." I mumbled, my throat was so sore from all my yells, and put my raven locks back into some form of a ponytail. "Who is she?" I asked my mother but she said nothing. Maybe she doesn't know? Maybe nobody knows and I'm stuck dreaming of this mystery girl forever. I thought and sighed. "If you know, tell me, mother. Please," I said and my mother sighed.

"She's your beloved..."

A New AvengerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant