Character Info + Chapter 1

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Okay so I'm very nervous about publishing this and some of the nerves are for personal. (Shit happens, am I right?) I'm scared that nobody will like it but you never know. I hope you enjoy and any feedback is welcome. I will try and update once a week but as I have another fanfic still going it may be a new chapter from one or the other. Also, I know the cover isn't that great, I know but its the best my untalented digital art arse (try saying that five times fast) can do. 

Thanks, Enjoy.

Word count: 1215

Name: Harper Ivy Stone

Eye's: Blue+green

Hair: Mahogany 

Skill Set: Amazing aim with knives, Hand to Hand combat is pretty good, Uses her flexibility to help her take her enemies down. 

Age: 4

Birthday: 18/03/2004

Chapter 1

Harper's POV

A fierce banging came from our front door and worry become apparent on my father's face. We had been sitting peacefully on the lounge and were watching a Disney movie like we did most Saturdays. For a moment the knocking stopped and my dad relaxed but that didn't last long. He got up to peek out of the blinds but as he stood more knocks came making us both jump. "Dadda, Who's there?" I asked and climbed if the lounge and walked over to him. He didn't reply because a gunshot made him yell as a ringing rang through our ears. 

"HARPER!" He yelled and grabbed me by the waist. He carried me up the steps of our house to the second floor. As we reached the top we heard the front door blast off its hinges and hit the floor. A poison-filled voice followed the door sound and rang our house.

"Playing hide n seek, are we? Guess I'll play along." The voice said and my dad put his hand over my mouth to stifle my whimpering. He carried me over to his room and quietly closed the door, locking it. "Where are you?" The voice said, almost sung.

"Dadda, we should have gone out the back door," I whispered sensing the danger we were in. He shook his head violently and put me on her bed.

"If he came through the front door they would be surrounding the house." I nodded as though I understood but I didn't. He grabbed the landline and dialled someone I didn't know. Someone called S.H.I.E.L.D. He whispered our situation to the lady on the other end of the phone who told us to stay quiet and get out of the house ASAP. The lady on the phone assured someone called 'The Avengers' were on there way.

"Found you!" Screamed the poison voice as the bedroom door flung open. "Time for you to pay for your crimes." The man said and pulled a knife from his pocket. His cold dead eyes glared at my father. The sickening smirk he had on his face matched the way he crept about the room towards us. He had everyday clothes on over the top of a full-body leather outfit. I held back the tears that started to build up. "Your daughter can watch." He said and his gruesome smile grew. 

My dad ran over to him and started fighting him with knives. My dad had a great aim when fighting from a distance but he struggled with hand to hand combat. My dad disarmed the man but was knocked down by the man anyway. My dad did not win. My dad fell to the floor and groaned as his head slammed into the ground again. The man walked up to my dad but my dad was too busy trying to go get help to protect himself or me. I knew that my dad was trying to get his weapons but the man took it differently. "Abounding your daughter." He half asked, half stated. "You really are a selfish pig aren't you." He said and grabbed my dad by the shoulder almost ripping his shoulder from its socket. He sat next to me holding my father's head in his hand while holding the knife to his throat.

The man used his knife to move my head so I was now looking at him. "Your father has done terrible things and now he pleads for his life. That's not fair." He said and without warning gave my dad a deep cut on his arm.

"Daddy," I whimpered out and kept strict eye contact with the man, in fear he would hurt him again or decide to hurt me instead.

"You don't want him as your father, do you?" He asked me but I just stayed as emotionless as I could. He smiled his sickening smile then put his knife to my dad's throat once more. "Shall I get rid of him?" He asked and pushed the knife harder onto my dad's throat causing some blood to trickle down his neck. I shook my head violently saying no to the man's question.

At this moment police sirens become very clear and he gave a quick look to the door. He rolled his eyes and, without thinking, slit my father's throat right in front of me. I watched as he bled out all over the floor but something seemed off. He didn't try to stop it and instead, he smiled softly which worried me a lot. I hadn't had much experience with death but to my knowledge, most people didn't smile while bleeding to death.

"Daddy!" I yelled and jumped off the bed sitting next to him. I put my hand on his neck and tried to stop the bleeding. "Daddy I love you," I said and he mumbled in response. I grabbed his wrist and felt his slowing pulse. I didn't have time to feel it stop beating as the man smiled and ripped me from my father. He carried me by the waist out of the room and outside via the backdoor. Some people came into our house but they didn't look 100% like the police. They came running into the house as we left but we were soon being shot at by someone or something.

"Come on child." The man said and carried me away from my house. I kicked and screamed hoping to wake up with my dad next to me. I pinched myself as if to wake up from the horrible dream but nothing happened. This was real. This was reality. My dad was dying and I wasn't there to comfort him. 

I screamed again hoping someone should hear me and come help me: Maybe the lovely old lady next door who brought us freshly baked cookies every Wednesday: Or maybe the family of four who lived opposite who once a month invited us over for dinner: Maybe just maybe the gang of teens who hang out in the water easement on the weekends. 

I yelled and screamed for help only to receive nothing except a hard landing on the floor. "SHUT IT!" Yelled the man and I instantly stopped yelling in fear he would kill me too. He nodded then grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me towards a small car that was waiting for us. He chucked me inside the car boot then slammed it shut. I let the tears flow as I felt the car start up and leave the safety of my home.

It didn't seem so safe anymore.

Nothing seemed safe anymore.

Published: 26th November 2020.

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