Chapter 47

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Sorry I know it's shorter than normal but it's cute. Right? Besides the last one was over 2000 words.

I tried to make it seem like Loki doesn't understand what he is feeling but Frigga, being the beautiful person she is, helps him figure it out. BTW I got very melty writing and proof reading this chapter and I hope you see why.

It was also very nice to write about happy things while my school is being a dickhead.


Word count: 904

Nat's POV

"WHERE IS HARPER!" Clint yelled and stormed over to a scared Tony. Tony looked terrified but not because Clint was yelling. It was because I hadn't spoken in a few hours. Harper had gone missing after dinner and so had Loki. Our only clue was a massive hole in the side of the building caused by something Thor confirmed as the Bifrost.

I got sick of the arguing and walked ever so slowly over to Thor. He gulped them started talking. "As far as I know, Odin has called Loki to Asgard because he hurt a Midgardian and broke his conditions of staying on Midgard. Loki will be put in the dungeons and it's possible Harper went with him by accident." He said and placed his hammer on the table and sitting down. "I cannot get Loki back but I may be able to get Harper if I convince my father to let her come back here." He said softly and he sounded like it would be a difficult task. 

I didn't care if it was going to be difficult for him. "Get her back," I growled and he nodded before hurrying away outside to call on the Bifrost somewhere where it would destroy the tower anymore.

Loki's POV

After our awkward lunch Harper, Frigga and I went for a walk around the gardens of the castle. Harper seemed to enjoy it and I smiled at how happy Harper was just walking around some flowers. Harper was walking among the flowers and every now and then would stop to smell one or admire it. I picked a flower and asked, "May I?" Harper nodded so I tucked the flower behind her ear. Harper blushed and turned away from me. She then continued to almost run down the path to look at all the flowers. 

This side of Harper, that we were seeing, was new and it made me feel like she was comfortable around me. She was like this with Jasper too so she must pick how to be around certain people. Or maybe she'd didn't choose how to act, it's just happens.

"I love that smile," My mother said and I turned to see a bright smile on her face. "I'm glad your beloved makes you so happy," She said which shocked me a bit at first but I snapped out of it.

"She's not my beloved," I answered rather quickly causing her to chuckle. She's not my beloved but I wouldn't mind if she was. I thought and surprised myself with those words.

"Isn't she?" She asked me softly and gave me a smirk. I looked at my mother as if to see if she was joking but she wasn't. "Is she always on your mind? Is she the only person you want to spend time with? Do you want her to be happy and healthy and the cost of yourself? Does it sadden you to see her upset? Does she shine like the moon on a crisp winters night?" My mother asked me softly and I knew what she was implying. I just didn't think of Harper and I like this before. "Does she make you smile? Does she lift you high when you feel low? Does she comfort you during your sadness? Does she accept you for you?" She continued and I knew what she was going to ask next. "Does she make you happy in yourself, in her and in the life you lead?" She asked and put her hand on my cheek. I nodded softly in response to her questions. 

I sighed and told her how it felt. "She is always on my mind and I love being in her company. I would suffer any pain to keep her safe and it makes me want to tear up if she is sad or hurt. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." I said and blushed softly. "The way she smiles and laughs makes me melt inside. I love the way she hides her face when she's embarrassed so no one sees her blush. I love the way she admires everything but is also willing to sacrifice anything for the ones she loves." I said and I felt myself drift off in my mind. "Everything she does makes me happy and she said I was beautiful in my Jotumhiem form. Nobody else has told me that besides you. She listened to my past and did not judge, instead, she told me hers and we bonded." I finished and smiled at the memories. 

My mother looked at me and asked her final question. "Do you love her?" She asked me and I stood for a moment unsure of what to say. Is this love? I've never felt this way for someone other than my mother expect this is different. My mother is my mother but Harper, Harper is... What is she to me? She's my beloved.

"I...I love her," I said softly to my mother and she smiled at me. 

Published: 18 April 2021

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