Chapter 7

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I enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Word count: 1023

Loki's POV

The sunlight shine through the windows and woke me from my sleep. I must have fallen asleep because the last thing I remembered was summoning my book. I blinked my eyes open and yawned softly. I stretched arms but stopped halfway as I remembered that the little girl was still asleep on my lap. I sighed and decided to wait until someone passed by the room so they could help me.

Apparently Tony was coming to wake the little girl and he saw the situation.

To say he wasn't happy was an understatement, He was furious about it and yelled at me for it. "LOKI, GET OUT OF HER ROOM. SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE INFLUENCED BY YOU." He screamed and I tried to hide the hurt I felt at his words. And of course, Tony's scream woke the child from her soft slumber. I glared at him for waking her from the sleep she desperately needed but he just glared right back.

The girl gasped and started crying softly at the fright. I saw the pain in her eyes and I recognise it from my own eyes. She has learnt yelling meant pain and she was expecting something or someone to hurt her. I felt so bad that this young girl had suffered so bad.

Tony took her off of my lap and swore at me once more before leaving the room cradling the girl in his arms. She hid her face in the crook of his neck as we all walked to the living room. Since she had calmed down a bit she moved her head to look at me as I followed behind them. She seemed to smile at me and thank me for calming her that night.

I just hopped she learnt that not all yelling meant pain was coming.

Tony sent me one last glare which told me to bugger off. I went to my room cursing myself for trying to be kind. When I was kind they always took it the wrong way. I just wanted to help the child.

Tony's POV

"Tony what happened?" Nat asked me and I explained the situation I saw. Clint seemed interested to know what had happened too. I knew Clint didn't like Loki at all.

"Loki had Harper in his lap while she was asleep." I said but it didn't seem to alarm anyone else expect Nat and Clint. The others went to protest that I might have overreacted but I didn't let them. "Anyway, I'm going to go feed her." I said and went to the kitchen. Steve was standing there humming along to his songs. I smiled softly at him but hid my smile when he turned around.

"Oh, Hi Tony. Would you like some breakfast?" He asked me and I nodded then put Harper down on a chair. Steve finished cooking his blueberry pancakes and gave me and Harper a plate each. Harper looked at them and picked it up with her fingers. She sniffed it and put it back down, unsure about it. She didn't seem to be impressed with the food Steve had made. Steve looked a little hurt by that but I gave him a reassuring smile. I loved his cooking.

"It's alright. It's tasty."  I said and cut corner off my pancake and put in my mouth to show her it was good. She smiled but didn't eat her food and just looked at me with her beautiful greenish blue eye's. 

"Maybe feed her the same pancake." Steve said and handed me another fork. I cut another piece and stabbed it with the other fork. I handed the fork to Harper and she ate it. Her first smile in the Avengers Tower appeared on her face. I chuckled as I had to eat a piece then she would eat the next. 

Time Jump

Harper's POV

I finished eating the strange pancakes with Tony laughing softly. I didn't think it was funny to be careful about what he was feeding me but it made me smile to hear nice laughter again. I was sick of hearing evil laughter.

He picked me up and took me to the living room back to Nat and Clint. They were whispering about something and nearly jumped out of theirs skins when they heard us enter. They were sitting next to each other but they both looked very confused.

"Packages." Nat said and pointed to a massive pile of boxes that filled the room. I looked at them and wondered what on earth they had gotten. Tony smiled and went over to them. He placed me on the ground and handed me one of the smallest packages. 

"Open it Harp." He said and I looked at it kind of confused. I smiled slightly at his nickname for me. I tried but struggled to rip it open. "Oh right," Tony said and grabbed some scissors to cut the tape. With the tape cut I just had to open the flaps. I opened it and pulled out a few outfits. The outfits were a wide range of differnt patterns and colours. I liked a light blue one with a little black kitten on it.

Small Time Jump

I opened the last box to see a small snowleapored teddy which was incredibly soft. I liked it a lot and hugged it softly. Tony picked me up and carried me to the lounge and we sat down. The man from before came into view with the tall man called Thor. Thor was yelling and the man and I heard the other man's name. "Loki, Brother, Are you listening to me?" Thor boomed and Loki looked up from the floor. 

"Umm yeah. Sorry, I won't do it again. Bye." Loki said and sprinted down the hall. He looked like the world was ending around him. I liked the sad smile on Loki's face and I fussed out of Tonys hold. He let me go and I headed to were I thought Loki went. I was right and soon found him.  

Published: 4th January 2021

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