Chapter 65

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Few more chapters then a sequel? It will be easier to understand I think if I split off into a new book. I've already started some chapters so fingers crossed it's decent. Thank you everyone for reading my story. It means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy.

Word count: 1001

Harper's POV

I arrived in the park a few minutes early. I wanted to be there first to meet Alora and I was. When Alora arrived she was in a school uniform that looked very uncomfortable. "Hey," I called out and she smiled at me. She sat next to me and I could tell she was tired and upset. "You alright? You seem upset." I said.

"Just a very long day." She said and smiled softly. I knew that a long day wasn't the only reason but I decided not to push the matter too much.

"Comfort food?" I asked and held the cookies towards her. Alora looked at it, unsure, she opened the container slowly and smiled when she saw the cookies.

"Chocolate?" She asked and took one out. She inspected it with great interest and I was excited for her to try it. 

"Double," I said as she took a bite. She smiled and nodded her head slowly, clearly enjoying it. "Good?" I asked as I got a cookie for myself.

"Amazing." She said when she had swallowed her first bite. I chuckled and took a bite from my cookie.

We sat and talked while eating the cookies. We were joking around and being really stupid but it was nice. I felt like maybe the world wasn't as horrible and cruel as I had first thought it to be. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could be happy and have a friend.

Time Jump a few weeks becuase I'm kinda lazy and unsure of how cute relationships work.

For the last few weeks, Alora and I had hung out every afternoon in the park at our seat. Weekdays we meet up for some form of takeaway in the park and on weekends we met up after lunch and hung out till about 7. I missed her during the day when she was at school so we would text during her breaks or in between her classes. 

For a while, she was almost a distraction from everything that had happened on Asgard. She made me smile and forget about the troubles that chased me. I still had nightmares of Loki's death every night but I knew there was nothing I could do to bring him back. I missed Loki but Alora made the pain dull down. 

Being with Alora's awesome but after tonight's little get together and take away shawarma I was feeling overly concerned about her. She had a deep purple bruise on her upper arm that I had seen when she took off her jacket. She said it was nothing but I wasn't so sure. It looked very bad.

I had offered to walk her home every night and she had never accepted. I tried not to let it worry me too much but it did worry me a little. Not because I wanted to see her house or family but because I thought maybe I had done something wrong. Maybe she just doesn't want me to see her house. I can't judge but I don't want her to ever see mine either.

Tonight Alora and I were on our way home from watching a movie. She ate the remains of our popcorn as we walked in peaceful silence. Like always, I offered to walk her home and this time she agreed. I was very happy and we walked to her place hand in hand. 

Once we arrived at her place we said our goodbyes and as she went to go inside I leaned in to kiss her. Someone about her was just so intriguing and I wanted to be with her all the time. She moved away and I saw a tear in her eye. "Sorry but we can't," she said before going inside and locking the door.

I went back home to the tower and tried not to overthink it. Maybe she wasn't ready for it? Maybe she doesn't like me like that? I thought but it was just making me feel a lot worse. The whole way back to the tower, my mind filled with thoughts that I wish would go away. Sadly, that's not how a mind works. 

I got to my room with minimal interaction with the others and I slumped onto my bed. "What did I do?" I asked myself and my mind was overrun by anxiety about it.

"You alright Harper?" I heard Wanda ask and I shook my head. "What happened?" She asked and sat next to me.

"Remember the girl I was texting, well we have been friends for a month now and when I walked her home tonight I tried to kiss her. She backed away." I said and sat up and Wanda put an arm around me. It was a form of comfort but I didn't feel like it was helping.

"Maybe she wasn't ready for a kiss yet. Maybe she doesn't think of you like that. If she does like you just give her some more time." She said before giving me a small squeeze. "Sleep will make you feel better. Rest Harper," she said before leaving me to my horrible thoughts. I knew she had tried to make me feel better but I still felt anxious. 

"I don't want to sleep," I mumbled and started getting ready for bed. I showered and got changed into my PJs. I went to the kitchen and heated some leftover dinner that had been saved for me. I ate it slowly and every bite tasted weird. My body didn't want the food but I sat there at the kitchen bench and kept eating.

"You alright Harper?" Asked a small voice. I looked to see Jasper climb onto the chair next to me. He smiled softly at me and rested his head on my shoulder. I rested my head on top of his and sighed. I felt like he understood my thoughts as he pulled me into a hug and snuggled his face into my shoulder. 

Published: 19 June 2021

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