Chapter 49

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No, I am not vicariously living through characters in a fanfic. I don't know what you're talking about. *whispers* I am 100% living through Harper. XD

Word count: 956

Harper's POV

I finally arrived at the Gardens after getting help from a few garuds. The castle was huge and I had no idea where to go. I walked into the garden and gasped at the sight in front of me.

Purple and blue flowers were growing in beautiful natural patterns while red flowers lead me around the garden. I smelled the air and chuckled with confusion. The air had that old book smell which I loved but I didn't understand where it was coming from. It was chilly and there was a light breeze caressing my face softly. I followed the path of red flowers to find the best surprise ever.

"Hello, Loki," I said and smiled at him. Be looked perfect in his black suit. I noticed his tie and liked the little colour touch he had done. I held a laugh when I saw his hair in the bun. He looked amazing with his hair in a bun on his head. It was his best hair style for sure. 

"Wow... You look beautiful." Loki said softly and I blushed softly. I dropped my head slightly and my hair covered my face. He seemed to break from a trance and smile at me. "Do you like it?" He asked me.

"Yes, yes I do," I said and walked up to him. I stood just one step away from him and looked up into his eyes. "I love it. Especially this." I said and felt his tie. "And this," I added and looked at his hair in its little bun.

"My mother did this for us." He said and smiled like a dork. I didn't mind that she did it, I just loved it so much.

"Remind me to thank her," I said and walked to a group of the flowers. I picked up two as carefully as I could and took them back to Loki. I tucked a blue flower behind his ear and he tucked the purple flower behind mine. "What's this for Loki?" I asked and looked at everything, mesmerised.

"I have something to tell you." He said and guided me over to a bench which was a beautifully carved wooden eat. "My mother helped me realise something very important between us." He said and smiled nervously at me.

"Not used to being tongue-tied are you?" I said and we both chuckled softly.

"I have felt things that I didn't quite understand until today. The feelings are new and awkward for me and I hope you share them for me." He said and I could hear him tripping over the words. I wondered what he was talking about but I had an idea. Or at least I hoped I did. "I believe the feeling is Love." He said and I stifled a gasp. He looked to the floor and I saw a light blush on his cheeks. "I love you, Harper," He said and looked into my eyes.

"I love you too Loki," I said and I felt a blush in my cheeks. I felt the fire in me grow and I looked to see the chair around me catching fire. "Oh for goodness sake," I muttered and stood up. Loki used his powers to put the fire out and stood next to me.

"May I?" Loki asked and I nodded. Loki put his hands on my waist and pulled me to him. He placed a gentle yet passionate kiss on my lips and I heard the song 'can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley playing. I chuckled and pulled from the kiss when I needed air.

"How'd you get this song?" I said with a chuckle. This was Asgard, I didn't think they had Elvis Presley here.

"I saw this song on your technological list of songs." He said and hugged me. I smiled and put my head on his chest just below his neck. I could hear his heartbeat and it was beautiful.

Everything was so peaceful and calm. I held him close to me and focused on keeping my fire away from my hands and head. I didn't want to burn Loki.

Frigga's POV

I smiled to myself as I saw Harper enter the gardens to meet Loki. I hoped she liked what I had done to the flowers in that Garden. I had seen Loki before he went into that garden and he looked so handsome in his black suit. I did notice that he changed his tie to be a nice blue that matched the dress Harper was wearing. 

I walked back to my room and sat in a lounge chair that overlooked Asgard. "Where is that Midgardian?" My husband asked me with a tone I did not like. 

"Harper is with Loki. They are in the Gardens." I said without turning around to look at him. He sat next to me and looking lovingly at me. "Is everything alright darling?" I asked him and looked into his eyes. 

"The Midgardian spoke rudely to me and stood up for Loki." He said but he had a tone of confusion. "Why does she speak of Loki so kindly?" He asked me and I smiled softly. 

"Because they share what you and I share, an unconditional love. Only they have just begun to explore it." I said and put my hand on his knee. Odin's angry expression softened and he relaxed more. "He deserves happiness in his life," I said and my husband nodded slightly in agreement. 

"Thank you, my Queen." He said and left the room as quickly he had entered it. I thought for a moment that maybe that wasn't a good idea. I knew of my husband's temper and I did not want him upsetting my son and Harper.

Harper made my son so happy and his smile and laugh made me smile for him. He deserved happiness after everything he went through. Especially after being treated so horribly by that mad titan. Harper seemed to be a beautiful, caring and determined girl and I knew they would be happy together. I only hoped my husband would let Loki be with her. 

Published: 25 April 2021

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