Chapter 45

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This is to make up for the last chapter. I think it's cute.

Word count: 1361

Loki's POV

I walked up to Odin with a blank expression on my face. He looked down at me with his sense of greatness that loomed over everything. You always knew if Odin was in a room with you because you felt this overpowering urge to slap him in that face. Well, at least I did. "Hello Odin," I said and glared at him with malice in my voice.

"Why do you never call me father?" Odin asked and I scoffed. Why should I? I said in my head.

"Because you are not worthy of that title, nor any title you hold above your egotistical head," I answered with as much anger as I could without yelling.

He sighed rather angrily at me for that comment but I didn't care. He could kill me for all I cared. "What happened in the dungeons?" Odin asked but I didn't answer. I looked straight ahead which annoyed him because I wasn't looking him in the eye. "What happened? What killed those guards?" He asked me but I glared right ahead at the steps. "Loki, answer me! What happened?" He yelled at me.

"Darling, maybe if you calm down he will answer." My mother suggested. I nodded at that but glared at the golden steps. "Loki, sweety, what happened to Harper and the guards?" She asked politely and took a few steps closer to me.

"He killed Harper," I growled softly. "Odin killed...My Harper," I said louder so everyone could hear and I looked up at him. Our eyes met and he knew I was more than angry. I was devastated. I was ready to kill him the first chance I got. 

"Odin? Did you harm Harper?" Frigga asked Odin who looked shocked and horrified.

"I did no such thing. As far as I am concerned she is innocent and got caught up in Loki's mischief." Odin said softly. I snarled like a wolf at its prey. "What did she do?" He asked me.

"Self defence," I answered.

"What did she do to the guards?" He asked annoyed.

"Self defence," I answered again but slower.

"How did she do that and why?" Odin said getting fed up with me.

"She's magic. Two guards attacked her." I answered. "She died because you ordered her to be beaten as my punishment. You killed my Harper." I replied and took a step forward.

"I did no such thing," Odin answered and I scoffed. "I did not order any harm upon her," Odin said but manly to Frigga, who was staring confused at him.

My mother came to me and pulled me into a hug. "Don't be angry with him. He didn't know how much she meant to you." Frigga said softly into my ear before letting go and walking, rather hurriedly, towards the medical wing.

Harpers POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and the feeling I knew too well. "Ow," I muttered as I sat up to look around. Everything was gold and shiny, two women dressed in dresses and aprons were tinkering around me while an elegant woman stood in front of me in a beautiful yellow dress. She was beautiful as her wavy hair fell around her face and down her back. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"You are on Asgard in the medical wing. Do you remember what happened?" She explained then asked. I shook my head so she explained everything. "You used your powers to kill two guards who were attacking you. You are badly injured but we can heal you." She said and smiled at me. I felt safe when I saw her smile.

"Who are you?" I asked and laid back down slowly.

"He did not tell you? I assumed he would have considering..." She said and seemed to get distracted for a moment. "I am Frigga, Loki's mother." She said and I nodded my head.

"Is Odin here?" I asked and she shook her head. "Is Loki alright?" I asked and she once again shook her head. "What happened? Is he alright? Can I see him?" I bombarded her with questions and leant on my elbows. After everything, Loki and I had been through I needed to check on him all the time.

"Soon, let us heal you first," Frigga said and began to heal my wounds with strange yellowish-green magic. She started to heal my wounds with her powerful magic but my mind focused on Loki. What happened? Is he okay? I hope he knows I'm alive.

Loki's POV

After having an effective but very loud conversation with Odin, I was allowed to stay in my room with no chains but if I left the main part of the castle a guard would follow me. Odin insisted he had no idea about those guards but I didn't believe him. Why should I believe that? He has never treated me nicely.

I sat in my room and fiddled with my fingers nervously. "Loki, I have news for you." I heard my mother's sweet voice say. I turned to see her smiling softly in my door frame. "Harper is okay. She is still alive." She said and I ran over to her. I smiled brightly and I wanted to jump around like a puppy because of how happy I felt. 

"Can I see her? What happened? Is she okay? What about her powers? Will she go to the dungeons?" I bombarded my mother with questions only to be silenced by her putting her hand on my arm softly.

"She is okay now. She won't go to the dungeons because Odin does not wish to upset you further. He believes she is not a threat unless provoked. Although I may have convinced him of that fact." She said and I smiled appreciatively at her. "We don't understand what happened so if you know anything you need to tell me." She said so I explained.

"Harper has a complicated life behind her. She was taken by Hydra as I baby then rescued by Thor's friends. Many years passed and she was taken by Hydra again and they hurt her very badly. All I know of her powers is that they are fire and I can not heal wounds given to me by her powers. I have two burns on my back, my chest is burnt a little and my hands are still burnt too." I said remembering the burns I got from touching her not long ago. 

I showed my mother my hands with all the burns from Harpers powers and the cells force field. My hands throbbed terribly and they constantly felt like I was being burnt even if I wasn't. I started to wrap up my hands and continued to talk about Harper. "We must be careful not to anger her because that's when she loses the minimal control she has and her power explodes from within her," I said and I felt my mother wipe away a tear from my cheek. "She has done it before but not that bad. She only hurt me that time and that was the first time she had ever done it. Please let me see her and explain." I begged and my mother nodded.

"Tomorrow morning you may see her. She is still healing from her injuries and you need to calm down." She said and pulled me into a hug. My mother's hugs were always the best because they were warm, caring and gentle but she always gives you a small squeeze as she let go. She let me go then lightly kissed my hands as if to say she prayed for them to heal fast. "Get some rest." She said and left my room. As she left Harpers sun bear appeared in my hands.

I smiled and pulled it to my chest. "I'll try Mother. I'll try" I said and fell flat on my back on the bed. I didn't want to sleep but soon everything went black and I was thrust into dreamland or should I say nightmare land.

Published 15 April 2021

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