"I'm sure he's fine, with David being moody and gaining unusual weight on top of work plus both his friends who he worked so hard to get together break up and now miserable without the other it's a bit stressful, just give him some time and space to get his mind right. Think of it as..."

"Another breakup or separation?" I finished and sighed.

"Yea..." He said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

After we talked and said our goodbyes, I went to check on Colby.

"You ready kiddo?" I asked knocking on his door.

"I'm ready daddy." He giggled and ran down the stairs.

"Leaving without me are you?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Daddy I can't drive..." He said in a 'duh' tone of his own and I smiled. What am I to do with this kid of mine?

On the way to Red Lobster, my stomach felt sick like something bad was going to happen. Maybe I just had the car's AC on full blast and I was getting sick. All I know is I didn't feel good at all.

As we went in and were seated, the feeling just intensified.

"Dada are you ok?" Colby asked, looking at me.

"I'm fine champ." I chuckled then began coughing.

Not long after being seated and looking over our menus the waiter came.

"Hello gentlemen, what can I get for you both?" Our waiter said.

"Mac and cheese with chicken fingers please." Colby smiled at the waiter giggling.

"I'll have the lobster alfredo please." I told the waiter.

"Would you like drinks with that?" He asked.

"Two sweet teas, one small and one medium, please." I said and he left.

I smiled at my boy coloring his activity page completely lost to the world.

About fifteen minutes later our food arrived.

As I was helping Colby cut up the chicken strips so they would cool down, I saw Cooper and David walking by, Cooper grabbed me by my arm and drug me to a corner and I looked back and saw David was with Colby.

"What the hell man?" I asked getting my arm free from his tight grip.

"I went by your house but you weren't there, I called Alec to see if he knew where you were and he told me you were here. I have some news and I don't know if I should tell you or wait, I'm really torn on what to do because I don't think you deserve to know what's going on, not after what you have been doing but dammit Travis, it's Gregory."

"What about him? What's going on Cooper you're kinda scaring me here." I didn't like how he looked, he looked like he was lost and in another place in his head.

"He's in the hospital. He's dying Travis." Those words were like acid being poured down my throat, they sucked the air out of my lungs and I felt my knees get weak. He grabbed onto me before I could fall.

"Wh..what, what do you mean he's dying?" It was a struggle to speak those words with how tight my chest feels.

"Why don't we go outside and talk? David is with Colby and will make sure he eats." He helped me walk outside because I sure as hell couldn't even move my body on its own.

We sat down on a bench outside the restaurant and he sighed.

"You fuck man, there are things I am not allowed to say because of our laws but the hell with the consequences, I'll deal with them if they arise. Gregory is dying because of you, because of your rejection. We all have a mate, David is mine. If we aren't with our mates and aren't rejected in the right way, it can kill us. Since you threw him out of your life without a proper rejection it caused him a lot of pain, a little at first but it got worse. It got to the point where he is nothing but skin and bones and is throwing up blood, he is weak, he has no strength to even lift his head off the pillow. He thinks his wolf is dead, he said he can't feel him anymore and if his wolf is dead, he won't be far behind him. I don't mean to throw this on you but Travis, you either have to go and reject him the right way or make it work because I promise you, if he dies, we are through." His words kept repeating in my head, Gregory is dying because of me. What the fuck did I do?

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang