Chapter 14 - Not a stop along the way

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Chapter 14 -  Not a stop along the way

The next day I was running into school, folders in one hand and coffee gripped in the other. 

I had woken up so unbelievably tired that i drove the long way to school just so i could grab a coffee to keep me awake. I drank it whilst driving but ended up spilling it down my shirt, which was not good considering it was boiling hot. 

I ended up turning around and driving back home so that i had time to change it. There was no way the stain was coming off, and also no way that i was going to cover it up. 

After this whole ordeal i ended up being late for school, which was not in any way going to help with the whole 'you need to do extra work because you are behind' thing. 

I burst through the doors of my first class, without even having any time to even visit my locker to put my other books and folders away. 

As I opened the door with one hand, i tried to balance my books on my knee. 

Needless to say it didn't work, and i ended up dropping my folders and books on the floor. I glanced at my teacher who was just shaking her head at me. 

'Sorry!' i apologised, feeling myself going completely red and quickly kneeling down to pick up my books. 

I heard my teacher sigh loudly, then go back to talking about the book we were reading. 

As i gathered my books, someone got out of their seat and came to help me. 

When i stood up i realised it was Jake, Ryan's friend, who had helped me. 

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused to why he was in my class. 

'I had to swap classes.' he whispered to me as he handed me my books. 'Time table fuck up' 

I took my books from him and smiled, as I sat down in my spot. 

At the end of the lesson i gave my teacher the extra work i had done, and swiftly walked out, avoiding any further conversation with her. 

'Hey, Kara wait' i heard, i turned around confused to see Luke running after me down the hallway, pushing a few people out the way as he did. 

He was quite tall, and also pretty popular in the school so people obliged as he asked them to move. 

'Um yes?' i said, looking behind me to check he wasn't talking to somebody else. 

'You eating lunch with us today then?' 

I swallowed. 'Oh i'm not sure, I'm eating with my friend Sara-'

'Right, see you both at lunch then' he called, running off 


I told Sarah about what Luke had said to me earlier on the way to lunch. 

'oh' she said slowly 'Well thats weird'

'I know! it's like he thinks Ryan and I are actual friends now"

'Well that is what you told him' she said, taking a gulp from her water bottle. 

I shrugged. 

As we walked into the lunch hall, i searched for Ryan's table so i could avoid it. I found them, and quickly tilted my head forward so my hair covered my face. 

After i got my lunch, Sarah and I walked to our usual table. I glanced over at Ryan's table quickly, to make sure none of them were looking. 

But of course, Jake caught my eye and waved for me to come over. 

Sarah saw, and stopped in her tracks looking at me. I looked behind me again, and felt like an idiot when i saw there was nobody else behind me. 

I smiled and shook my head, to say 'No thats fine'

But he wouldn't let it go, and it was when he went to stand up and walk over to me that i gave in and turned in my tracks towards Ryan's table. 

When we got to the table, Ryan looked up from his lunch to me and lets just say he was surprised to see me there. 

'Sit down here' Jake said, as the others scooted over for us. 

'What are you doing here?' Ryan blurted out

Luke elbowed him in the side, and Ryan let out a small groan. 'What the fuck man?' he spat at Luke. 

'Why are you acting like that?' Luke said

Ryan looked at Luke and then to me. 

Clearly he remembered we were meant to be 'Friends' and i saw the realisation on his face.

'She didn't give me a lift this morning' he muttered. 

I laughed at his save. 

'i was getting coffee' i defended myself. 

'Anyway' Luke changed the subject. 'This is Sam' he motioned towards a pretty girl with blonde hair. 'And this is Violet' he said, pointing to a tanned girl with dark short hair. 

I smiled at them both and we exchanged hellos. 

'Thats Olivia, but you probably already know that. And this is Liam' he said, introducing me to the last of his and Ryan's friends. 

The conversation at the table at lunch was actually a refreshing change from the ones that Sarah and i had every day. 

They tended to make fun of each other quite a lot which Sarah and i laughed at. They were clearly a tight knit group, and it felt slightly awkward to intrude on them. 

After we finished lunch, Sarah and I said goodbye to them all and went to walk back to our lockers. As we stepped out the lunch hall i felt a hand wrap around my wrist and tug me back hard. 

I snapped my head round to look at who it was, and was not happy to see Nicholas' hand wrapped around my wrist. 

'what do you want' i said, pulling my hand away from him. 

'Are you going to apologise for this?' he said pointing to his eye. 

I was shocked he wasn't actually apologising to me. 

'As if, I'm not the one that meeds to say sorry' I spat

Sarah had realised now what was going on, and stood behind me glaring at him. 

'What is wrong with you?' he said angrily. 'We were having fun' 

'Listen' i said, leaning closer to him so out faces were close. I placed my hand on his chest, and put my lips to his ear in a flirty manner.

'I am not a stop along the way' i whispered, 'I'm a destination' 

I pushed him away hard, and watched him stumble back as i smirked back at him. 

I didn't even bother to wait for a reaction or rude remark, and instead tuned on my heel and walked away from Nicholas for the last time. He knew now that i wasn't going back to him.

And it felt amazing. 


Authors Note: 


Yay so i have finally updated and i am SO happy that i have 1k reads. 

This may not seem like much to others but i'm really happy about it. 

ANYWAY keep leaving your comments votes. THANKS xxxx

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