Chapter 6 - Photo Books

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Chapter 6 - Photo Books

That evening I made my way to the dance studio as usual. 

I was, once again, seriously dreading my lesson with Ryan.

If it was anything like yesterdays, it would be complete torture, but also absolutely hilarious. 

When he walked in he looked at me, and didn't even utter a word. 

'Whats up RyRy?' i teased, smirking at him. 

His head snapped around to look at me. 'Really? You're going to play that card?'

I just giggled, doing up my laces.

'God, you're annoying aren't you?' he said

I Ignored him and finished doing up my laces. 

We spent, what seemed like a very very long session getting the hang of the basic footwork again. 

I had to give it to him that he was trying, just as hard as i was trying not to laugh at him every two seconds. 

i noticed that when he was concentrating he tended to bite his lip and furrow his, sometimes looking ahead, and sometimes down at his feet to try and get the steps right. This didn't always help however, and i often caught him clenching his fists in frustration when he got something wrong.

He really was out of his element with this whole dancing thing, which actually made me feel alot more confident. 

When the session was over, he left quickly, muttering a quiet 'see you tomorrow' and running his hand through his light brown hair as he left. 

I sat on the floor, taking my shoes off and putting them in my bag. 

I heard Lizzie coming in behind me.

'How is it going?' she said as i turned around and pulled my hair out of the pony tail i had it in. 

'Oh its okay' i said lying, 'He is, interesting.' 

'Oh god, and so dreamy!' she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at this comment, but once again tried to disguise it by turning away slightly. 

'He is actually not such a nice guy at school'i blurted out, instantly regretting what i said. 

'What? really?' she asked, looking shocked. 

'Yea, he is a massive player. He doesn't treat girls well' The words came like vomit from my mouth and i couldn't stop myself bitching about him. 

'He doesn't seem like that, and doesn't he have a girlfriend now? Isn't all of this for her?' She questioned.

'Yea..' i said quietly, almost like a question. What was she implying

'He sounds pretty sweet to me, maybe some people change', she said, before wishing me goodnight and leaving. 

Maybe people could change. 


That night i made myself pasta, and fell asleep in front of the tv again. 

I woke up at 02:00 am, and pulled the blanket around myself, almost as if it would shield me from all the ghosts and monsters in my house. 

I turned off the lights downstairs, and ran up as quickly as i could to turn the light on in my bedroom. 

After that, i didn't get one minute of sleep. 

I suddenly felt really awake, even though i didn't want to be. 

I found myself looking through old albums i had stacked up on my bookshelf, some even had pictures from before i moved here. 

I smiled at the one of Nicholas, Sarah and I at the fairground, stuffing candy floss into each others mouths when we were around the age of 15. 

We used to go every year together, it was one of many traditions we had. 

Sarah and i would go on the Ferris wheel together in the seat that only fit two people. Nicholas would always go in the one behind us and we would laugh at him as we went around. His face would be so pale, and he would look like he was about to be sick. 

When we got off, he'd say something like 'That wasn't even bad' and Sarah and i would laugh at him, because we both knew he was absolutely terrified of heights, even though to this day he still hadn't admitted it to us. 

I flicked through the pages some more and found some pictures of us at the beach. 

We splashed around in the water, completely soaking each other. 

I remember how annoyed Sarah and i would get at Nicholas for getting our hair wet even though we had warned him before hand that we would plot to kill him if he even got a drop on our heads. 

I remember one time, when Nicholas got sand in my eyes. I was crying and laughing simultaneously for about half an hour as he tried to get it out of my eye. 

As much as he could be a bit of a dick to me now, i found it alot harder than Sarah to completely phase him out and hate him. 

After all, he was one of my only friends when i first moved here. He helped me get through some really hard times, and that was very difficult for me to forget. 

Whenever i remember my happiest moments, they always seem to be associated with him.

I closed the photo book, and placed it on my bed. 

I reached for another one, and opened it about half way through. 

It opened on a page of me and my mother, when i was about 5 years old. We were building sand castles together on a beach in Mexico. 

She was helping me keep the walls sturdy, whilst i picked out the prettiest shells to decorate the castle with. 

The castle was absolute crap, you could see the cracks in it, and i was pretty certain that about 30 seconds after the picture was taken, it would have collapsed. 

But you could see, that at that precise moment the picture was taken, i had never been so proud in my life. 

It was something i had made, with mum.

With my mum. 

I snapped it shut, placing all the books back on the shelf. I could feel the tears brimming at my eyes, and i could tell it had all gotten a bit too much for me. 

I crawled back into bed that night, and just lay awake until it was time for school. 


Authors Note:


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