Chapter 24

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Stephen's POV

I couldn't begin to describe the overwhelming feeling that washed over me as I cradled my newborn son in my arms. His tiny, delicate features were perfect, a miniature reflection of both me and his mother. His little fingers curled around my thumb, and I felt a surge of love so profound it took my breath away. The room was softly lit, casting a warm glow that enveloped us in a cocoon of serenity.

Ariana was resting in our bed, her face serene and peaceful after the tremendous effort of bringing our son into the world. We had set up a crib in our room, wanting to keep him close so we could watch over him at all times. I gently placed Yosohn into his crib, his eyelids fluttering closed as he drifted into a deep, contented sleep.

As I sat on the edge of the bed, I couldn't help but admire every tiny detail of his features – the soft curve of his cheeks, the delicate lashes resting on his skin, the faintest hint of a smile curving his lips. He was our miracle, our perfect little boy.

Reluctantly, I tore myself away and stepped out of the room to make a call. The gravity of the situation pulled me back to another reality. "Did you find him?" I asked Warren, my voice low and controlled.

"Yeah, we got him, boss. We'll be at the warehouse waiting," he replied before hanging up.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. I went back upstairs to tell Ariana I was leaving. She stirred as I approached, her eyes fluttering open, still heavy with exhaustion.

"I have to go tend to some business," I said softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "My mother and father are on their way. Plus, your mother and brother are coming from the guest house to be with you. There are guards patrolling outside. I'll be back home as soon as possible."

Her eyes, though tired, flashed with determination. "Make that asshole pay for what he did," she said, her voice a fierce whisper before she drifted back to sleep.

I smiled, a rare and genuine smile, and kissed her forehead gently. She was the perfect fit for me, the one who understood the darkness within and still brought light into my life. That thought warmed the cold heart I did have, a heart that was now fiercely protective of the family we had created.

With one last glance at my sleeping wife and child, I turned and headed out, the weight of my responsibilities settling onto my shoulders. The night air was crisp as I stepped outside, the guards nodding in acknowledgment. My mind was a whirl of emotions – the tenderness of new fatherhood intertwined with the ruthless determination to protect what was mine.

As I drove towards the warehouse, my thoughts were a blend of the softness of my son's tiny features and the hard edge of the task ahead. Tonight, justice would be served, and I would ensure that nothing threatened the peace we had fought so hard to create.


The warehouse loomed in  darkness, a place that held the secrets of countless torments. Tonight, it would bear witness to yet another. I was here to unleash the demons that had been clawing at the edges of my soul, demanding release. The air was thick with anticipation, a noticeable tension that electrified the dimly lit corridors.

"Are all my tools ready?" I asked one of my men, a sinister edge to my voice.

"Yes, Boss," he replied, his eyes reflecting a flicker of fear. He knew what was coming.

I left my office and strode into the interrogation room, the walls echoing with the distant hum of machinery. The room was stark, the concrete floors stained with the memories of past victims. Roberto sat in the center, bound to a chair, his face a mask of pale terror. He wore the same expression of fear and resignation that Sarah had before I ended her. But his death, like his cousin's, would be slower, more excruciating.

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