Chapter 5

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Ariana's POV

Waking up with a stretch, I glanced at the clock and realized it was nearly nine in the morning. "Stephen, wake up," I whispered, gently nudging his arm. "No, I'm not ready to get up," he mumbled into his pillow. With a mischievous grin, I yanked the covers off him, prompting him to finally open his eyes and sit up. "Can't we just decide on the food tomorrow?" he whined, flashing me a playful pout. "Get up now," I teased, heading towards the bathroom. Shedding my clothes, I indulged in a steaming hot shower.

Emerging from the bathroom, I encountered Stephen at the top of the stairs. Every inch of him exuded a commanding presence, reminiscent of a Greek God. "Ready to go?" he inquired, his gaze intense. "Absolutely, let's get this show on the road," I responded, leading the way downstairs. Upon entering the dining area, my eyes scanned the spread of various dishes. However, one thing was missing – soul food. "I have a request to make," I announced, capturing the attention of Stephen's mother, the wedding planner, and the chef. "I want soul food added to the menu," I declared with determination. "Consider it done, my dear. Whatever you desire," Stephen's mother replied with a warm smile, clearly pleased with my involvement.

"Soul food?" Stephen questioned, his curiosity piqued. "You've never experienced soul food before?" I asked, surprised. "No, I haven't," he admitted. "Well, Chef Gian, I'd love for you to learn some recipes from my home and for everyone to taste it," I proposed, feeling a surge of excitement. "But first, let's sample this spread," I suggested, picking up my fork and preparing to indulge in the culinary delights before us.

After savoring a variety of dishes and making my selections, we made our way to the kitchen. Gathering the ingredients, I eagerly took charge and began demonstrating to the cook how to prepare each dish, from crispy fried chicken to delectable candied yams. As the delightful aromas filled the kitchen, I poured my heart into each recipe, infusing them with love and memories of home.

Once all the dishes were cooked to perfection, I carefully arranged a plate for Stephen. "Let's start with the chicken," I suggested, watching intently as they each took a bite. Their expressions transformed into pure delight. "This is amazing," his mother exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with joy. Overhearing Stephen's mumbled comment, my heart swelled with pride. "Looks like I might have just changed your favorite dish," I teased him playfully, basking in the satisfaction of sharing a piece of my heritage with him.


As the family gathered for what seemed like an intense meeting, the air crackled with tension. "During the shipment transfer to Ariana's father, there was an incident," his father announced, his gaze piercing as he addressed the room. "I won't go into specifics, but I suspect there's a traitor among us... And if that's the case, I wouldn't hesitate to end you with a bullet," he declared, his words laced with a chilling undercurrent.

Turning the floor over to Stephen, the atmosphere grew even more charged. "You all know the consequences of betrayal within the Family – swift and merciless death. But for the one responsible for this betrayal, a slow and agonizing demise awaits," Stephen proclaimed, his fingers deftly toying with a knife. "Now, let's review today's earnings and see if anyone has fallen short," he concluded before I discreetly slipped away.

I found myself face to face with his mother, who greeted me with a knowing smile. "Eavesdropping on the family discussions, I see," she remarked, her eyes warm with understanding. "Just trying to navigate through it all," I replied, walking alongside her. "Let me share a story with you," she began, her voice soft with reminiscence. "At 18, the same age as you, I was married off to Stephen's father. My own father was the head of the Mexican Cartel, and I, too, rebelled against the path chosen for me. But Alessandro, with his fiery spirit, changed everything..."

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