Chapter 31

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Ariana's POV

"Girl that's your fine ass personal body guard?" Jayda asked as we walked into the restaurant to have lunch. "Yes, his name is Massimo" I said as the hostess led us to our table. Massimo was trailing behind us but couldn't hear our conversation. "I smell scandal on the horizon" she said. "I would never see Massimo in that way. Yes he is an highly attractive man, but Stephen has my mind, body, and soul" I said.

"Trust me I know" she said playfully rolling her eyes. "How's my nephew?" I asked. "He's great actually. He's so smart and everything I wanted my child to be. It's just I'm so cooped up in that house with nothing to do but be a mother" she said flipping through the menu.

"Come work with me. I'm going to need someone to help me run the club and oversee everything" I said sipping my mimosa. "You sure about this? Warren is going to be pissed if I get involved in Mafia business" she said. "Jayda remember when you were pregnant and you talked about how you wanted to get back to your old self? This is the chance you need to take. You've been involved in Mafia business since you were arranged to be married to Warren. He will be okay or he will have to answer to me" I said. She accepted my offer and we continued with lunch.

Today was the day Massimo was moving into the guest house. So I had to give him a proper tour since it was a mini mansion. "This is where you will be staying" I said as we got out the SUV. The movers were taking his belongings in the house. "This is a lot" he said with a small smile on his face. "I like for my personal staff to have the best. Plus you're my personal bodyguard so it's best to keep you close. Now let's give you a tour of the inside first" I said as we walked in the house.

"In total there are 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, laundry room, personal gym, game room, dining room, and the kitchen" I said as I showed him around. "You will have a maid who comes by everyday. A personal chef as well. Now you can give them the day off whenever you feel as if you don't need the help. Everything in the house is modern and up to date" I said as we stepped outside in the backyard.

"Of course you have a nice spacious backyard with a pool, and you can do target practice over there" I said pointing to the targets. "I appreciate all of this Boss. I never had anyone that I've worked for to have so much hospitality" he said. "I try my best to make sure everyone is happy" I said. "Feel free to relax until I call you" I said before leaving.


I was playing with my children when one of my men walked in. "Donatello" I greeted. "We need you at the warehouse boss. We have a slight problem" he said. "I'll be downstairs in a minute" I said. Esperanza took over and started playing with the kids. I went to my bedroom and changed into a black tracksuit and black sneakers. I grabbed my bag and proceeded to leave. Massimo was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. We got into the truck and headed to the warehouse.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked as we got into my office. "We caught Frank trying to steal product and money. Plus he was trying to get the contacts of our connects. He wants to start his own little gang" Donatello said. "Where is he?" I asked taking my jacket off. "Torture room Boss. We figured you would want to handle him there" he said.

The room held a metallic scent of fear mingled with the acrid stench of sweat, permeating the air. I stood at the center, my heart pounding not with fear, but with a cold, calculated anticipation. This was my domain, and Frank was about to learn what it meant to cross me.

Frank was bound to a heavy wooden chair, his wrists and ankles secured with coarse rope that bit into his skin. He looked up as I approached, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and defiance. He knew why he was here, and he knew what was coming. But what he didn't know was how much I would savor this moment.

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