One Two Three

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"Simon..." Chloe called his name as she stood shocked in the bathroom. No response.

"Simon!" She shouted.

"Oh shit." Simon mumbled as he finally heard chloe, jumping up from the sofa and tracking her location.

"What have I done now?" He dreaded.

"I'm pregnant." She said holding a pregnancy test in her hand.

"What?" He said just as shocked.

"Look." She said pointing to the plus sign. "I'm pregnant."

"Are you pranking me?" He asked unclear on whether or not to believe her.

"Do I look like I have a YouTube channel." She laughed.

"We're having a baby?" He asked nervously.

"Yes." She smiled.

"We're having a baby!" He cheered as he picked her up, spinning her round in his arms before putting her down.

"We're going to have to move out." She said thinking about their two bedroom flat.

"Maybe we should move to the country, get a little house." He said wrapping his arms over her shoulders.

"Mmm maybe by the seaside." Chloe hummed.

"How about a house in the country and a summer home in Cornwall." He said kissing her head.

"We can take the kids there every summer, spend the days on the beach and paddling in the ocean."

"Is this what being an adult feels like...I kinda like it."

"It is quite nice." Chloe said leaning on her tiptoes and placing a kiss on his lips.

George turned 7 the following day on the 28th of November. Chloe and Simon informing him of his soon to be sibling. Trying to explain as best as they could that the baby was in Chloes belly but she didn't not eat the baby. The pair sat clueless on how to answer the many questions George had to ask, such as how are babies made? The pair laughing off their attempt to explain the story of the stork.

At Chloes 20th week of pregnancy she'd noticed a clearer bump than what she had with George, her stomach forming a nice firm roundness.

"Chloe Minter?" A midwife called as she walked into the waiting room. Chloe and Simon waiting as they prepared themselves for the second pregnancy scan, hopefully finding out the sex of the baby.

"That's us." Chloe said as she raised from her chair, walking with Simon and the midwife to a private room. Sitting on the reclining table and pulling up her top to reveal her perfect bump.

The midwife checked over the records and confirmed that it was the 20th week scan, before continuing. Applying a cold gel to Chloes stomach, causing her to flinch.

As she ran the probe over Chloes abdomen she began to nod at the sight on the screen. Turning to the couple she smiled and asked "would you like to find out the sex?"

"Yes please." Chloe smiled, Simons hand wrapping around hers.

"It's a girl." The midwife smiled.

"A girl." Chloe smiled as she looked up at Simon.

"Oh my god." He said shocked, leaning down and placing a kiss on Chloes head.

"Hmm." The midwife muttered.

"Hmm?" Simon questioned with concern.

"One second." The midwife excused herself as she turned to a different computer clicking a few buttons and taking a few minutes to read leaving chloe and Simon in suspense.

A life changing trip - wroetoshaw/MiniminterWhere stories live. Discover now