Lets get away

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"I don't know Harry, I've got work. My job isn't like yours." Chloe complained.

"Just a weekend. Surely you've got a few days off?" Harry pushed.

"I'll have a look at my schedule when I go to work tonight."

"You know you want to go."

"I do, Iceland sounds amazing. But you want to stay there!" Chloe exclaimed as she pointed to the laptop screen. A £1,000 a night hotel loaded up on the screen. "You realise two nights is my monthly wage. I need to pay rent and eat for the other 28 days of the month."

"I'll take us." He offered.

"Well then I won't go at all."

"Don't be so proud, I earn enough." Harry smiled.

"Okay well you can stay there and I'll stay...." Chloe began to edit the price range on the website to fit her budget. Clicking on the first hotel she could afford. "-Here. I'll stay here."

"Chloe our hotels would be 50 miles away from each other.." Harry laughed.

"Perfect." Chloe teased.

"So you do want to go then." Harry teased back.

"I never said I didn't. I just don't want to bankrupt myself over a weekend."

"Then let me pay." Harry pleaded, knowing he wanted to treat her to what he felt like she deserved. Possibly creating some more holiday memories.

"No fucking way." Chloe quickly jumped. "Come to the cheap hotel with me, that's my only offer."

"Fine." Harry sat, pretending to be frustrated.

"I'll check tonight for the closest weekend."

"At least let me book the hotel, i might be able to get an upgrade in exchange from promoting their hotel."

"Now that's more my speed." Chloe smiled as she prepared herself to leave for her night shift.

"Text me later." Harry smiled as she said her goodbye and made her wait out the house.

Chloe soon arrived at the hospital in central London and rushed down the busy corridors to the closet changing room. Grabbing any scrubs that would fit and throwing her hair up into a bun, looking presentable to begin her nights work.

After handover chloe collected her patients details for that night, working a unusually quiet shift, she only had 3 patients under her care, giving her time to check some personal details.

"Hey Sarah." Chloe called as she caught up with the nurse in charge.

"Do you need me to check meds?" Sarah said with a yawn.

"No actually I was wondering next weekend if I could swap my Friday night shift, I was hoping to go away for the weekend." Chloe smiled.

"Sure if you can find someone to swap it that'll be fine. Where are you thinking?" Sarah asked.

"Me and my friend Harry are talking about a spontaneous trip to Iceland, maybe see the northern lights, maybe some whale watching. I don't quite know yet." Chloe said excitedly.

"That'll be nice. Definitely a change from here." Sarah hinted to the humid halls of the hospital. "Well let me know if anyone wants to swap and hopefully you and your boyfriend can go." Sarah smiled and began to turn around to leave.

"Oh no he's not my-....aaand you're gone." Chloe lightly laughed before rushing round for a swap.

After some bribery she managed to get cover rather than a straight swap, meaning she had the whole weekend off beginning the 1st of November.

How about the first?

Chloe sent off nearing midnight.

Of November, that would be perfect for Iceland

Harry sent back excitedly

Before I change my mind book the hotel and flights and I'll transfer you my half

Will do

Harry sat at his computer, looking at the cheaper hotel, slightly disappointed. He looked at the comparison of the two and decided to pull a sneaky move. He closed the tab for the cheaper hotel and began to enter dates for the more expensive one, racking up the price and upgrading the room for the fanciest one, adding an extra hundred per night. Harry considered getting twin beds, but the extra large double bed was catching his eye, knowing if he was to make a move now would be the time. Without thinking twice about it he selected everything he needed and began to enter in his card details. Spending £2,500 for two days, but in Harry's mind the time alone was worth every penny.

As Harry sat smiling at the computer, printing off the receipts and booking papers his phone began to buzz.

I over reacted. I don't want things to be like last time

Harry sat shocked as he read a text from Simon, believing that things were over for good.

I can't promise you anything Simon you have to know that and be okay with it otherwise neither of us can move past it

Harry sent back

I know. If you're happy I'm happy. Whatever you two do.

Thank you Simon, this means more than you know

Harry sat back and smiled, everything was falling into place, almost too perfect to go wrong.

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