The Truth

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Simon, Jj, and Ethan met each other at a near by coffee shop, taking a moment to just enjoy each other's company without a camera being pushed in their faces. However filming was always on their mind, after all it was their life.  "when are we next filming for the main channel then?" Simon asked as they settled down in a coffee shop.

"Better off asking in the groupchat." Ethan laughed, "Trying to get all seven of us together is harder than it needs to be."

"Just state a date and time and if they're not there then they get nothing." JJ proposed as if it was that simple.

"JJ you're the one late half the time." Ethan laughed. "Or asleep."

"It's not the sidemen if were not all there." Simon raised.

"I was just messing." JJ raised his hands, causing Ethan to laugh while Simon sat sighing, staring deep into his coffee.

"You alright?" Ethan asked directly to Simon.

"Im fine. I'll be back in a bit." Simon said leaving his chair and heading towards the toilet.

"Simons moodier than usual." Ethan moaned at JJ.

"Its because I gave him a reality check a few weeks ago. He hasn't really be the most upbeat since then. He won't drop it, its all he ever thinks about." JJ shrugged.

"Oh yeah, what about?" Ethan was interested in the gossip, knowing it wouldn't be that serious.

"He's got feeling for Chloe, Doesn't know what to do about them." JJ muttered as if it was nothing that he was sharing Simons secret.

"What?" Ethan questioned, the cogs in his brain rotating faster than usual. His first thought was about Harry since he was the only person who knew about Harry and Chloe. He never considered Simon ever being a factor in the situation, but now things appeared messier than intended.

"Yeah I told him to man up and just tell her. She's his best friend, she's not exactly going to break his heart over it. Worse case comes she says no and he moves on. Could be worse." JJ reasoned as he took a sip of his hot drink, leaning back in his chair.

"Could be a lot worse..." Ethan trailed off as he thought about the outcomes. How will Simon feel when he finds out about Harry. Can the sidemen recover from something like this?

I need to speak to you, urgent!

Harry read his newest text from Ethan and assumed the context.

"what is it?" Chloe mumbled as she held onto harry, wrapped naked in the sheets.

"Just Ethan, probably wanting to talk about filming something." Harry mumbled before returning back to Chloe, pulling her tighter into him, placing a delicate kiss on her head.

"I should probably get going." Chloe sighed as she began to crawl out of Harry's bed. Luckily Cal and Lux were out for the day, allowing Harry and Chloe to spend as much time together as they want...well until they come home. Chloe lazily got dress as she tried to drag out time, Harry watched her every move, smirking and rolling his eyes at how the romance of dressing and undressing each other had seemed to weaken the more comfortable they got around each other. Harry walked her to the front door, trying to trap her into staying longer.

"Are you coming out tonight?" Harry asked as Chloe stood by the doorway, neither of them eager for her to leave.

"Where?" Chloe questioned.

"To-" Harry was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out to see Ethan's name displayed across the home screen. He cancelled the call to continue the conversation.

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