Out in the Open

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Harry looked around as he exited the building. Spotting Chloe sitting on a bench. Her long dark brown hair covering her open back. As Harry approach he could see the glow of her phone shining on her face.

"Hey." Harry spoke as he got within hearing distance. Chloe's head turned to spot Harry. She stood up upon seeing him and dusted down her dress. Harry could now see the black high neck halter dress she was wearing. Puffing out at the waist and reaching above her knees.

"You look amazing." Harry smiled in delight that she came, the look on her face said different.

"I can't bring myself to go in." Chloe shivered as she stood in the cold.

"You shouldn't be out here on your own." Harry muttered. "Are you cold?"

"I'm freezing. I want to go home but I know if I do I'll kick myself for it. But I can't go in. I just can't. So now I'm just standing out here."

"Come in with me. It'll be easier."

"Will it?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But if we don't go in where do we go from here. More secrets?" Harry whispered.

"I don't know. I love our friendship, but no one else will."

"I made this mistake the first time round. I was so worried about what everyone else thought that I pushed you away. To this day that is my biggest regret. Please don't make the same mistake."

"I don't want to Harry but I'm scared."

"I am too."

"But they won't judge you like they will me."

"I'll have your back every step of the way. If it gets to much we can leave. I'm honestly so happy you're here so anything beyond this is the cherry on top. But we have to try at least to know if this could've ever worked. For us."

"Okay...let's do it." Chloe said taking in a deep breath. Brushing down her dress and taking a few steps closer to Harry, taking his hand in hers and making their way towards the building.

Ethan's door was on latch, letting them in with a push. Harry gave Chloe a small smile before they continued down the hall, entering the living area where everyone was dancing and drinking.

Harry felt the grip on his hand tighten, Chloe almost seizing up with anxiety at the sight of the people she once knew.

Within seconds chloes eyes connected with jj, the smile from his face dropping at the sight of her. Chloe could tell immediately the boy standing next to him was Simon, she recognised his body first, confirmed by his ashy blonde hair. In the moment she had a flash of memories she allowed herself to think about, her and him together, an all together different thought now a year had passed.

"What do we do?" Chloe asked Harry in a panic.

"We go on as normal. If anyone wants to talk to us they can." He said pulling her over towards the kitchen counters, helping himself to a drink. Pouring one for Chloe.

"What the fuck." JJ said catching Simons attention.

Simon followed JJ eye-line towards the kitchen where Harry stood with a girl. Simon could see the long brown hair and questioned who she was for a brief moment. Just as the thought popped into his head, the girls head slightly turned to look at Harry, her side profile visible and striking a forgotten memory for Simon.

"Is that Chloe?" Simons asked JJ, keeping his eyes on her.

"Yeah, I have no idea what's going on."

"I don't know if I can deal with this." Simon said beginning to panic.

"It's okay." JJ said trying to reassuring him, grabbing him by his shoulder as Simon presses his hands to his face, his back turned from chloe and Harry. "Stay calm Simon."

"I don't want her to see me like this." Simon said breathing heavy into his hands.

"Do you want to go?" JJ asked.


JJ didn't hesitate to rush Simon out. JJ didn't consider himself a protective friend but in the moment he was needed he always stepped up. He took the opportunity while their backs were turned to guide Simon out with no explanation to anyone. They left the flat and soon made it back to their own.

"Do you want to be alone?" JJ asked as they closed their front door.

"Maybe for a bit." Simon frowned. "Just a bit of a shock."

"I get it, go ahead." JJ attempted a smile, difficult to do seeing his friend in pain. He watched as Simon walked into his room, closing the door behind him.

JJ decided to film a drunk video, heading to his desk and filming for 30 minutes, scrolling through his reddit. As he finished recording he clicked off his desktop and started closing programs to de clutter his computer, Spotify the final account to close. Just before he clicked off he noticed Simon was listening to music, his profile popped up at the side.

JJ noticed he was listening to a particular song that he'd heard repeatedly over the last year. Be alright by Dean lewis. JJ could understand why Simon felt in tune with the song. The lyrics were almost made for his situation, the song powerful enough to make you cry, let along if you lived through it.

JJ knew tomorrow would be difficult, they needed answers, Simon especially. With that JJ turned off his computer and climbed into bed, sending Simon a text before sleep.

'You okay?'

'I'll be fine.'

'Get some sleep.'

'Thanks for tonight.'

'I got you.'

'I know, we can talk tomorrow.'


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