Making Up

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"Where's Chloe?" Simon asked as Harry sat down the drinks for everyone that asked.

"I think I might've upset her." Harry mumbled. Feeling more guilty than Simons stare was doing.

"What did you do?" Simon said sitting up from his chair.

"Just leave it Simon. I'm going to speak to her." Harry huffed.

"Okay. Just text me if she's okay."

"I will, jeez Simon just get off it." Harry exclaimed frustrated.

"Harry I'm not trying to get on your back about it it's just-"

"Just what?" Harry said annoyed.

"Dude calm down. I'm one of her closest friends. I'm obviously going to care if she's upset." Simon got defensive at Harry's aggressive attitude.

"I'm just stressed." Harry moaned.

"Boggo what is up with you?" Ethan asked referring to their last talk.

"I don't know. Just give me a minute." Harry said collecting his phone and room key. He walked off while the others sat in silence. They couldn't quite understand why this day in particular was dramatic, they could only hope it would pass quickly. Especially since tonight was the big night. Finally everyone would be out clubbing.

Harry walked up to room 224. Knocking and awaiting a response. After a small hesitation the door opened wide. A red eyed Chloe stood shyly at the door. Rubbing her nose, hiding her eyes.

"Chloe." Harry whispered.

"It's fine Harry." Chloe returned.

"It's clearly not. You've been crying." Harry mumbled as he reach up and stroked her cheek. Chloe turned her head gently in response, flinching at his touch.

"Hey. I'm really sorry." He offered.

"I know." Chloe whispered.

"Can I come in?" He asked. Chloe stepped aside allowing him access. He walked into the familiar room letting himself remember the last time he was in there.

"Look I'm not saying I know what I want. I'm definitely not ready for another relationship. But I unexpectedly like you." Harry began, hoping to get a reaction out of Chloe.

"I unexpectedly like you too." She smiled.

"I don't want whatever this is to stop. For me it's not just sex, sure I can admit I'm not ready for something serious but that doesn't mean I'll fuck you about."

"What does it mean then?" Chloe asked.

"Well if we lay all our cards out on the table and go from there, I think we'll come up with a pretty good answer." He smiled.

"Okay. I can't read you, I felt like it was just me. I honestly thought this was just sex to you." Chloe admitted.

"It's definitely not. You're on my mind. A lot." Harry shyly confessed his feelings.

"Right. Well let's get this sorted then."

"Okay, so I'm not ready for a relationship. I don't want to lead you on in that sense so I'll make that very clear. But I also don't want it to be just sex, so maybe if we found a good in between then that'll work." Harry pondered.

"Well, I'm ready for a relationship...but I'm happy with this not being one. I won't put that pressure on you." Chloe started as she sat beside Harry on the bed.

"Thank you." He responded.

"And like you I don't want it to be just sex so at least we can agree on that." Chloe laughed slightly causing Harry to join in.

A life changing trip - wroetoshaw/MiniminterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora