I loved you.

Beginne am Anfang

"Where is Jiro?" I sniff, anticipating what she's going to say. 

Nalda moves her hand down my arm, intertwining our fingers and pulling me out of her quarters. She tilts her head to the side, silently asking if I really want to know what happened. I nod, and we walk side by side down the quiet hallway. She holds onto my arm as much as she can, leading me towards the medbay. 

It's even colder in here than it is in the hallway, and I shiver as we walk to the rooms at the end. The doctors don't try to stop us, only bow their heads in respect. At this moment I wish they would have tried to get us to leave, that at least would show there was hope for whatever the situation was. 

We stop at the final door, the smell of sysoprol stinging my nostrils. She nods her head inside, telling me to go first. 

I step inside and openly sob, seeing Zak laid out on the hospital bed with tubes connecting to almost every inch of his body. The monitor beeps slowly, indicating he is barely alive. Nalda puts a hand on my back, whispering quietly, "His heart rate has been dropping every five hours, he's not going to make it." 

I shake my head, rushing to his bedside and kneeling. I grab his hand, uncontrollably crying. She rubs my back behind me, "He was impaled in the stomach, his left lung has collapsed and he's on manual breathing." 

I look up, staring at the clear bubble placed over the giant hole in his torso. It sucks up and down, pumping oxygen into him. The more I look at it the more I notice how familiar the wound is. The singed skin and clean cut could only be caused by one thing. 

A lightsaber. 

"Did Kylo... do this?" I whisper, looking back at the Grand Admiral behind me. Her head hangs low, a tear falling onto the floor as she nods.

"Zak used your bracelet to contact me, we found him only a few minutes after you and Ren left." She says quietly. 

I stare down at my ring, hearing Kylo's voice in the back of my mind. 

Do you promise to love me no matter what?

That's what he was so caught up about, that's what was making him feel so guilty. He tried to murder Jiro. 

I stand to my feet, wiping the tears that remain on my face even though it's practically useless to do. I place my hand on the bubble, channeling every ounce of anger, sadness, betrayal and suffering into the force. It flows through me, seeping into Zak's body. Nalda gasps, the hole in his stomach slowly beginning to heal over as the layers of skin and bone connect back together like he was never hurt. 

She rushes out of the room, and the heart monitor slowly begins to beep rapidly again. I let go, seeing the hole now shut, and the skin looking almost new. My visions becomes blurry, the room spinning. Before I loose consciousness I see one last thing...

Jiro sits up, a confused look on his face as the color slowly comes back to his cheeks. 


I wake up in a room I haven't been in since a month ago. The sheets feel rougher than the ones in Kylo's bed, the room freezing cold. 

I'm alone, no sign of Ren anywhere. This time around I'm thankful for that, not knowing how I could even bear looking at him. 

I throw my legs over the side of the bed, looking around for a few moments before just completely breaking down. I hug my knees to my chest, resting my head on top of it and allowing my tears to fall in my lap. 

I have nothing. 

No one to trust anymore, absolutely nothing

There is nothing left for me anywhere. 

I will not hurt youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt