"Yeah, good idea."

As Kitty headed off for the subbasement of Ministry that served as Jeremiah's personal fortress of solitude, Zed and Scott glowered over the detained Succubus.

"So," Zed said to Scott, "How do we do this?"

"Do what?"

"Interrogate the suspect."

"Interrogate the... Zed, have you been watching reruns of Dragnet again?"

"No! What else do you call it?"

"How about just talking to the lady?"

"Ah! Good cop, bad cop. I see how you are!"

Scott rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, Cressida, if that really is your--"

"Yes! That really is my name!" Cressida exclaimed.

"Oh. Anyway, let's start at the top. Why were you trying to kill me?"

"Like I told you, I was doing a job."

"Murder for hire, only it's a murder that leaves no clues, no forensic evidence. The perfect crime. You must not come cheap."

"Why, thank you! And no, I don't."

"Who hired you?"

"Like I said, I don't know. I make it my business not to know. It's a lot healthier for me that way."

"Then how do you get the jobs?"

"Through a handler. He gets contacted through a dead drop, then he calls me with the particulars."

"Who is this handler? How can I meet him?"

"Whoa, no, I'm not gonna burn my connection."

"Want me to work her over?" Zed asked, "'Cause I'll get some answers!"

"Yeah? Woof woof."

"Okay, that's it! Time for some waterboarding! You do have waterboarding equipment around here, don't you, Scott?"

"Calm down, Zed," Scott said. "What I want to know is why somebody wants me dead. Somebody who obviously doesn't know I'm a vampire."

"Haven't you ever pissed somebody off?" Cressida asked. "I mean, pissed them off enough to want you dead?"

"Yes, I have. Of course, that was in the course of me being a vampire."

"And never as a plain old mortal?"

"No, never."

"Well, Mister Nice Guy, then it seems you have a real mystery on your hands, don't you?"

Scott palmed his forehead. "Great. Just what I need, another mystery. As if I needed more stress right now."

"Don't sweat it," Zed said, "At least vampires don't get high blood pressure!"

Scott was about to respond sarcastically when the door to Jeremiah's subbasement opened. Kitty led the way out, endlessly chattering about some unrelated topic as she stepped back onto the floor. "Hey, I told Jeremiah all about our hit Succubus."

"Indeed she did," Jeremiah said as he appeared in the doorway, "In nauseating detail. So, where is our guest?"

"Right here," Scott said as he stepped aside to allow Jeremiah to see the seated prisoner.

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