Ch. 13

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The packing took forever! Loading all the creatures into the cargo plane, I finally fell into my seat.

"Everything's settled when we get to Italy, " Ishmael stated, as I moved a sleeping Raven into my lap.

My dad and brother were seated in the front, giving us all of the back of the plane. Looking out the window as the scenery became blurry, I realized how much I was going to miss living here. I checked my phone to see that AJ sent me the location of my new building location of Block.

"Ashari! Did you even hear me.?" Ishmael turned my head towards him. Worry flickered across his features as he glanced into my mind.

"I'm sorry Ishmael, what did you say?" I quickly blocked him out my mind. He snapped for one of the maids to get Raven, before placing his hand on my growing belly. He took my hands into his, leading into our bedroom in the back. Sitting down and reaching to grab me, I backed away. "What's the matter, Ishmael?"

"I don't think it will be wise to visit the block for a while, simply because we are going home. The elders are not going to be happy with the future queen of Dai working with abominations." I looked at him stupid, before laughing.

"This is a joke right? You cannot be serious about me quitting all my hard work, to be deemed a weak female after being free for almost 400 millennium! Why would you even mention the elders? You are over them." I seethed, wanting to just hit him for being so stupid.

I tried prodding his thoughts, but he had me blocked. I wonder what made him say that, right as we were getting closer. I sat on the bed staring at him, when I felt the baby kick.








Going on almost three weeks I haven't seen Ishmael once, ever since arriving home. The economy was in disarray, due to no one stepping up to be in the position of leadership. Like I predicted, I got to venture to the Block and noticed that one of the residents were missing. Everyone was on high alert and AJ was in an out roar, thinking the worst about a rebellion.

Raven has had a hard time adjusting, so we were currently in the kitchen. I decided to bake a little to take my mind off the baby and Ishmael. "Where's Daddy? " he asked for the millionth time, his ears turning red.

"No no, please don't start crying Rae," I panicked, " Daddy's coming home soon. He had to work, he's coming home." I heard thunder in the distance as soon as he began wailing.

Raven was a elemental hybrid who had control over the weather. His little body was shaking as I tried to hold him steady, repeating what I said over and over.

Tears streamed down my face as I rocked him. My heart was aching and I just wanted my baby to stop hurting. He clutched me tightly, his tears soaking into my shirt. Sitting in the eye of the storm, I was hopeless.

The sound of a door closing, and the urgent stomp of feet resonated through the house. " Oh my gosh, Ash baby, hand him to me." My arms slowly let him go, watching as Ishmael took him up the stairs.

Turning everything off, I walked upstairs drained. The screams had stopped, but the storm eas just beginning. I watched as he walked in the room pulling off his tie walking to me.

"Hello love," he bent down to kiss my lips, I turned my head. He sighed pulling tightly on his curly hair, before taking his clothes off. "What are you pissed at me for now, Ashari?"

Heavy torrents of rain beat against the house, followed by the loud clap of thunder and lightning.

The real storm just started.....


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