Chapter 16

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*New Ishmael at the top *

"It seems like you get bigger and bigger each day," he observes, rubbing my stomach. "Almost time for them."

I look around at the innocent and the non-innocent, mixed together through the crowd. It seemed as if everyone came out to support Ishmael and the king.

"I know I'm ready to have someone to take care of, now that Raven's been going to school with people his age. Did you know Papa is passing a law to start training all the boys?"

He nods slowly, snapping for the boy to hand him a folder. "These are the latest reports, since you've been gone. AJ fears an uprising soon now that the prisoners are back home. I enlisted a few of the loyal ones to keep watch, but your the only one who has control."

Glancing down at the crowded room, I rub my arm breathing deeply. "I can feel their unrest, tomorrow we will go and call an assembly, separate the diseased before they turn everyone."

A bottle of wine appears in my hands, but before I can drink some, it's knocked to the ground. My eyes flash in anger before I look up to see my equally angered husband.

"Exactly what do you think you were about to do while pregnant with my children? " Lifting me out my seat, his hand wraps around my throat cutting off any room to talk.

Michael stands quickly, growling. Pleading with my eyes, I shake my head trying to talk to him. "Just leave Mikey. " I gasp out.

"What?! No, how long has this been going on? " He snatches his hand away, pulling me away to stand up to Ishmael. Everything seemed to freeze as he broke into my mind, quickly scanning my thoughts, his eyes flash.

"Please don't Mikey! It's not his fault, I get him mad easily and I shouldn't." The sound of screeching is all I hear, before Ishmael and Michael's true forms surface, with me in the midst of it all.

Get out the way, his guttural voice resonates in my head.

" I won't allow you two to fight over something so mediocre! Ishmael is just going through some things, and I don't necessarily be the supporting soldier he needs me to be."

This is not the support he needs! If he gets mad at you over simple things such as this, I do not want to see what he's like with something major. Let's go you're telling Papa." He tries to walk me around Ishmael, getting blocked.

" You are not taking my wife anywhere Michael. You are over stepping your boundaries, remember your place." I could say nothing as he stared him down, humiliating him.

"My so called place is to protect my sister for insignificant people like you. I called you my friend and you're literally killing my sister." The pain in Michael's eyes was a force even with his anger. "I should kill you dead, damn the consequences."

I felt my stomach clench, making me gasp in pain, doubling over. This cannot be happening right now, I think to myself. "Please stop it you two." I wince feeling something trickle down my leg. My nose flares as I smell the metallic air, "Save my babies." I whisper before passing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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