Chapter 10.!

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This isn't supposed to be happening.

"Ishmael..... What are you doing here.?!" I grab Raven and pull him behind me. Ishmael is our kinds king but he had got sent to prison for killing the past king, his father.

Looking me in the eyes, his eyes held a glimmer of mischief." I convinced the panel to let me out early. Did you miss me?" The wind had picked up, and the smell of vampires incased my thoughts.

"Why are we surrounded? " I backed up a step, my hand tightening on Raven. Ishmael chuckled and flicked his wrist. The men then left, my fear still was heightened.

"I had to take precautions. Whose the seedling?" Raven let go of my hand, and tentatively reached and touched his pants. The sheer scream he let out was not of pain, but of happiness?

"What are you doing to him?! He's just a baby stop it!" I snatched him back, his eyes were a purple and before I could comprehend, a 16 year old Raven stood in front of me, clothed.

"Hello father," Ah shit! No that's not your dad, I wanted to say. "Mother." The glint returned to his eye and the 16 year old turned back into the one year old.

" Please just stop Malachi would be—" my sentence stopped short, as I was soon pressed into a tree. His hands on either side of me let me have no escape.

"Never say his name in front of me Mi Amour. I came because I wanted to spend time with my wife, not hear about someone who is merely occupying space."

"Ishmael, I have not been your wife in over 300 millennia. I love you, but my father would not permit it. "

It seemed he had not heard me, because as soon as I stopped talking he flashed us to the Underworld. A nymph came to get Rae, and I was soon bent over being filled with Ishmael.

*3 months later*

This was my second day heaving my lunch out. This cannot be happening, I thought to myself. No one except for Rae and RJ knew that Ishmael was back.

The bond shouldn't be going as fast unless....My parents. They always loved Ishmael, so it would be no surprise if he went to them. Cleaning my mouth, I grabbed my phone and called him. "Bonjour, " Some female answered his phone, Oh hecks nah.

"Yea, I was trying to speak to Mr. Anjiola, this is his wife."



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